Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reality TV

Do we need it...
ok so the summer season is almost here and that means that we are going to get reality TV from the Hells Kitchen to the next food network star to big brother to Top cheif and what ever else there is out there. Do do we need it can't anything new be thought up beside putting peoples lives on TV, but I guess not but then we all watch it myself included, but the next thing we need is the ED TV the 24 hour live. A persons life on TV all day everyday on the down side it would have to be a paid channle I would say One time paid thing kind of like HBO or Show. Not sure it would really work in that formate but in the paid aspect you don't have to worry about the cencering not bleeps not fuzzy parts or anything else a persons might bring up. Now It's going to be a single hate to say it Guy's life because as much as woman are nice to watch guy's can be a little more crazier and can jump from place to place they seem to just do more crap, but then again I'm a dumm guy and think it's we are just more fun to watch. but then again I have never seen a womens life for 24hour, but that that one week a month could just really fun to watch but as for the sex which is what most men are after when they go out is the funny things to watch to see how they get it. Now the stuff we get on T.V. is just edited to parts that they should and cut around all the bleeps and other crap that happens so I can't say this the best thing to watch but it's the compations shows I watch because they are a compution and someone has to win where as thing like Big brother are just things to have on. in the end someone does win half a million dollors but for what living in house and not killing everyone else. You know it just the things that show up and for some reason we do watch it in part because there isn't anything else on...

Around the world...
You know the US watchs more TV then anyother country next in line I believe is Grecce who watch about half of what we do. Do does that mean we are really lezy people that have nothing better with our are time then to watch TV and then watch other peoples lives and some of those games aren't even our own we have taken from another country like Big Brother came from France and I believe souvior is from like Norway I think. They have been running these game for at least one year long then the US so things like Hells kitchen and Top Chief I don't know where they came from but I'm almost sure they aren't US games they might be, but It's not something That I have looked up unlike Big brother and Souvior, now they my not be the same game as the orginal shows so they can say that they are US gane but the idea did come from somewhere else so you never know what someone else might come up with and just maybe somewhere else in the world they will run the persons life on the 24hour station. you know we are just regenerating old ideas for new shows so I don't know is it worth it so is it time to shut down are TV's and have a lot more family time or go out, but then to go out we need to have an econmey to do with it, so it now becomes a catch 22, I need to make the money so I can spend the money... SO let's try and work it out..
To Friends and Family

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