You know those's days that start out a little ruff but end up going by so nice and then all at once things just seem to crash on you. Got onr of those for you today. Woke up and it was raining out no big deal it does that alot up here. Then I noted that cat didn't have any food ok have breakfast and then go out and get some cat food. Oh get in the car and the car needs gas, well this morning sucks but nothing that can't be fixed in small slow stages. First rain no big deal got an unbrella to handle that Cat food no big deal got head to the store anyway just add it to the list of things to get. Oh the car needs gas no problem get some on the way to the store the stations right across the street. So no problemon any of it. You head to the gas station it starting to look like ist's might stop raining. Hey cool. You get the gas and then jump over to the store. First you get the cat food so you don't forget then you pick everything else up not a problem. You head out of the store the rain has stopped. How nice on your wya home you think you might try and exparament with you DVD recorder why not it's still wet out side and you don't have mych else to do today. You get home and yyou start to run your exparement. Hey it works kind of. your timeing has to be better then you hopped but it still works. then you look outside and the see the sky is clearing you might get some sun today way cool so you can go outside and enjoy it once you finsh you your exparement that is working fine inside. So you finsh up part 2 of the exparement and look outside the suns out so you shut things down and go out and work in the yard for a while. Then you think hey I got a few things I can run at once your exparament, which is about 45 mintue at a time landry and what ever youring out side or around the house. So the day is running fine everything is working well even through it started out slow. The you to make dinner everything si still working fine, but in the matter of five mintues everything go aray. You experment shut's down the dry stops because it's done, you can't fine the food you bought for dinner the cat has attacked the 16lb food bag you bought and rip a hole in it. the stuff you have in the over for dinner is ready. so you have 1/3 of your dinner ready you can't find another 1/3 and the last 1/3 is waiting in a bowl on the court waiting ot be cooked. the cat food is everywhere on the floor and everything that was going well with your expariment for the last 3 1/2hours is last so you have to start from scarcth for part 3 which you don't want to do you want to jump to part 4 tomorrow jsut because you don't want to redo part 3 right now. so you just hosed on that. well a day that started out not to bad when to readlly nice and end horrable because your computer will not bring up it's I-tunes no mater what you try. you want to call the day a complete lase even though it started out ok and went to good and then in just one moment it hit rock bottom. what is it with days like today I know they come but to they have to come so hard or hit so hard that it takes away everything that you have been working on all day long even when you find the other 1/3 of your dinner in the back of the frezzer instead of in the Freg where you know you put it so Dinner is over half hour late. the exparment you were working on destoried the third part of itself which was most of the afternoon the clouds came back hasn't started raining yet and for the most part your back to square one exapte you have Cat food all over the kithen floor. so there is the one plus you have cat food and you finally got to dinner. With a long restart to your computer you got your I-tunes to work. You know I think instead of writing the whole day of you can call it a drew, because you noew know you expariment will work hopfully on a reguler basis so you can run with that every now and then. so I think there is no real up excapet you say the sun for a few hours.... just end the day and hope for better tomorrow.
Of god and Generals
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