Just not right...
You know even they prove something right or wrong I think they have to go to far to prove it and that my be part of the point that you have to take it that far but I think sometimes they go to the rediculas to prove something. I for some myths I think they could have left it conformed intreaded they have to get a couple of tanks to prove something wrong, or there information as much it's correct can sometimes be conserted to be wrong. Like when they talk about Duck tape. They put both buck tape and gaffers tape together and they are two diffrent things because duck tape has the wire/steel strips in it and gaffers tape doesn't they are two diffrent typies of tape as much as they might are very closes in what they can do and are alike but duck tape is duck tape and gaffers tape is gaffers tape. You really can put the two in the same cat.. but I don't think you really should.
Duck Tape...
if you can't fix it, ---- it Duck it. That is more ture then even the mythbusters can prove or do to it. The things you can do with duck tape are wounders and you know I have used it for all kinds of things myself and I keep at least one roll in the trunk of my car at all times for just in case. now the Mythbuster have done two complete shows on the great duck tape and the last one they did duck tape a car back together and run it tell the car itself stop. They killed the mottor on the car but it was still together being held by duck tape you I do like the stuff and I have always said you know don't piss me off I have a roll of duck tape, ok well no thats not true you don't piss me off because I have pen, but with duck tape I think I could come up with a few more intresting things. Like wrapping a body in tape and buring it on the salt plain of New Mexico. there is always something new coming up to use the stuff for. there is 1001 uses for duck tape let's go find and do them all..
Crazy Glue....
you know they have done duck tape now I think it's time for the best of the best the thing that has more them 1002 uses and I must say I like the 1002 use for Crazy Glue. So I say let's give then a tank load of the stuff and put a car back together with and see how long that last. Let's startr hanging people on the wall and what ever else we can thinnk of I think the next best thing next to duck tape is Crazy Glue they ar both great things to work and play with, so start playing and start video taping it as long as it crazy glue and fun nothing dangrous because well that is just to stupied let's leave it the the crazy people, but then again that is what You tube is all about crazy people playing with fun things and making a mess so so lets go for it ..
Of Gods and Generals..
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