Time Across the World..
You know many people see things in a deffrent ways that why we have people see things in new and intresting ways. I find Kids of all ages be it the four years old shopping with you are the sixteen year old driving the car as you hold on for dear life. The Four years old want to know where all the milk come from and how it got to the store and the sixteen year old just wants you to relax as the drive the car because you showed them how to drive and you remember you don't drive all that safe yourself, At diffrent ages you learn something new and be come more problexed by new and intresting things Like why is this picture sideways could the bloody morron change it so it straight well then you would have to tilt you head to read it. The International Boundaey between canada and the u.s. on either side of this post you are in a diffrent country it's just from this point how far can you get with out being shot at or tackled by someone, but that not the point right now the point is that almost everyone will see this as something diffrent. a four year old will is it a nothing more then a post in the middle of a field, the sixteen year old will see it as anventer that they set out on knowing they are inbetween countrys for let's say the first time, a forthy year old will see it as a returning or leaving home and the sixtey year old will see it as an old freind that they have seen many of time in there travils persaying they did an lot of traviling in there life. the thing is that there is always a view point and one must see that there is not always the right one even if they think it is and yes you have the right to say what you think it's just that matter of timing that is important. Like if you are asked if soemthing could be toxic at the post office saying yes might be a bad idea but if you say it could be because it's your brothers shoes well then you just might get a laugh out of it, but then again if you ever smelled my brother shoes you might not laugh all that much so mailing them I might have wanted to put a health hazzard sticker on them. So there is always a point when you can talk about something and there is a time when you should just stop talking about something...
We are there too...
No for a petty point something that I do understand but sometimes just can't get over, so I might run both sides of this and just mix everybody up so you look at it and go what the Hell is he talking about, because there is more to it then just the U.S. The News The thing we learn bad things from because there is never hey joe smuck made it home or the winner of the game show Joe smuck was..The News and the any War over they years. Here in the U.S. we get reports of any war they we are majorly involved in, but you mostly hear about the dead of the U.S. Troops Which is a sad part, but what about the other 23 country that are there as well losing there people as well. We rarly hear about them How many troops from Canada died or from Great Britin or even France for that matter. The U.N. has thousands of troops in the wars that have been out there over the years, but here in the U.S. they make it sound like the U.S. are the only ones in the war you don't really hear about the other 23 country that have people over there. The world is afaired that the middle east is going to exploed so we need to have more U.S. troops over there well I say let's take them out and have other countrys send more, let's hear how many troop are from Russa, and great Britin and from France for that matter. Let's hear about there loses let's know how many people they got out there. As much as I am for a peaceful and free earth we are never going to have it as long as we only hear about what the U.S. is doing in the U.S. a war is only as good as the powers that are fighting it and I'm pretty sure that the U.S. is not the only one fight the war in the middle east right now so and we hear about the otheer countries that are there and many be ask then to send more troops so we can pull ours back. Get more of them Russians in there a few more Franch or course the french don't want to be there anyway they think it's stupied and by now so do I. I'm to the point Mini-nukes and let's call it a day. Black Ops in countried we shouldn't be with a few H-bombs and call it a good afternoon of course I don't know if and H-bomb will work all that well it's already hot as hell over there so maybe not. How about we just drop a butt load of TNT on the area and call it a goodnight work we get the guy or not as long as we hear which country did it and how many we got or even if we hit something, Let's hear about the other countries that are in on this and if there aren't an don't you think there should be and why aren't they there and shouldn't we jump out if there not I mean come on there are good things about war and there are bad things but if you can't get the good with all the help from the world then the bad is just not worth it not you need to find what is what and have fun doing it for now Let's hear about everyone else and know what they are losing not just the U.S. because by now the price is way to High for one country to be caring on it's own...
Of Gods and Generals
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