Time is no friend...
Over the year I have been on this world I have seen a few thing and read a few things Things I'm not sure I would care to remember in my youth I found that the human mind is something not to be played with. We think it's something that we can charge, warp to something we want it to be we want to take away from other what we don't want to be taken away from us, the ablitiy to have a free thinking mind and that is what makes time not a friend because as we get older we start to foget things and somethings start to come back a Heavy trama can black out things and sometimes it can bring them back to the light, now in this country a person has a free will and with that come the freedom of speech which is what we want.
Now I have no idea where I was going with this so let's try something new because I have already lost myself in what I was going to say here..
Captain America..
Are friend the man who shows us the we all have freedom and we want everyone to have it the man in the outfit is what is importen as long as this mad show us what it is to be a good person and he will show us the power that is freedom and the right to say what we all want and have the freedom of speek and the right to find a good life and this I think is what the Law makers are trying to do in Arizona are tring to do give us the people of the U.S. the right to work and have a say by bring in this new Immigration law. They are tring to show us that we have the freedom for the people who are he to throw those people out how don't belong here and thise who are agenst it are yelling as loud as those who are for it. This is what america is all about and one of the many things that the great Captain stands for. The power to voice your opionon to all around you and that is what I like about it.
Both sides of it..
You know I still haven't done alot of reseach into this because I just haven't everytime I hear about a new Immigration Law pop I like to find out about it and for some reason I'm just got on the band wagon with this one it's kind of sad, but then the first thing I heared was they are kicking them out Hey I'm all for that, fine the emplyor and kick everyone out who shouldn't be here. So I can't really see the other side of things on this one, but I should start to look into it because I just might be wrong, and I'm one for looking at hings from all angles and for seeing thing that no one else want to see. I'm a person who has looked and a lot of thing I know a little about a bunch of things and it come in handy when something like this comes up you have to learn the thing you don't want to so you have a clear picture of what is to happen or what is the right things to do. I like to talk and debate many things and this is one of them we should let go forward and debate later start to do something first if you illegal then it's time to go back home, they sent out the 2010 censtes and it's not going to be right because of the millions of illega Immigrats in this country Now I hear a lot of protest because it's racy or it's bigitry Now is that because it's down in Arizona where it will effect the Million of mexicons or is it because it was an Immigration Law that could affect millions of people in the country this is what you need to think if it was a Law down in the south what would you think it is or how about a law in Florida where do you think it might be aimed but I do know if this was a Law appearing in some place like Maine or here in Washington I know it wouldn't raise so many hairs on peoples neck or such a big debate, but it's down in Arizona and texa's and that is where a tank load of illegas Immigat's are is that not ture How many Illega Canadans DO you now or even hear about. It's just a little something to think about for now
Of Gods and general
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