In todays world...
You know I would like to think that people of today have and open mind about things but then I see something pop up like the Law that has been passed down in Arizona. Now once again I haven't really hear or readed much about it axcappted people no we don't like this or hey let's boycott Arizona, what does that mean really boycott arizona. You not going to go ther for vaction or even drive throught it I mean come on don't you want to support you country and help it get back on to it's feet. where is the open mind that we are all should have. you know I had did a phone interview/questionaire the other day. It was on Help care and what I thought about it the main part seemed to be on non-profite VS profit
hospitals and the Tax break and health care that they should be giving now first and formost when you enter a health care inatustion for anything that needs to be done You should be getting the best care that there is. You should not have to worry if it non-profet or not, but so I was went throught the questionaire slowly and at one point it got to religon and the question can tome and was really simple what is my relgion. I sat there for a second and then I gave the policly correct answer and the there was silance on the other end of the phone, but the lady that was taking the interview had and open mind and I could hear her go well that is new and then asked me to spell it and for the morther earth I couldn't do it I have no idea how to spell the policly correct tream for what I am so we just fuged it and came up with some crazy spelling that was close to what we need the fun thing was she had and open mind about the whole thing, but I bet you when we where don't and that night I was a phone call she talked about for a while.Which doesn't bother me because know that no matter what the lady an open mind about the whole thing and it didn't scare her off from talking about to me in the end. so it was an intresting day and I think that is what we need to see from people today is a little more open mindedness, because even if the Arizona is a little extram you know at least they are doing something about the illeagas in there state. and if you think I wrong on that they this is one case I think you should say something or at the very least shot back with that the law really does, because if I had the chance I would build the Great wall of chain along the U.S. mexico boarder and arm it with heavy weapons. "Stop of will shoot" and then start firing at first to miss but get closer and closer as I went. It would give are boarder potral a chance to hone there shoot skill...

The human mind....
You know the mind is a strange thing we only use 10% of it, the things that it protects us from is just the begaining. It's ablitity to remember things and return that memory at any giving time is just a marvil and you never know when that could be, but the strange thing about the mind is that the things that it can come up with, both for entertainment and for reality. Look at what you watch both in the movies and on T.V. in every case someone had to come up witht that idea with it be something as sick as buring someone to death with 1000 watt builbs or killing someone and putting them into a safe, or something a funny as slipping on a banana and falling into a pool of whip cream. The mind is one intresting thing to look at see what it can come up with to me. For me the intresting thing to see is the really sick things that we can come up with the pain that we can put people through. We don't come up with makeing sure everyone get's home safe or using the mind bending power to fix something no we use it to find new ways to kill and cause pain to other and it intresting to see what we come up with. Now really quick yes I watch a lot of diffrent shows so when I say the last show of grey's antomey was one of intret because they took a guy and turned him in to am almost careless person. He ran around the hospital shoting for the most part nothing but surgons, he got a few guards, but for the most part he was just killing doctors as he went, because the Hospital had killed his wife so just think of the mind that had to create this and what they must have been thinking,. Or here something a little better, if you have ever seen any of the SAW movies think of the guy that had to think up the games. How distrebed is this guy. You think about some of the guy's that have compited murder and are in jail, you say they are sick because they acted on what they though of well what about these guy's who write these new and in come case improved horror film. The invetion and traps that tthey think of are just way out there. It's just the human mind at work but you have to wounder what is it tring to create with some of these people. You don't really hear much about the good thing people think up and do much. I mean yeah he is hard to look at and understand because of the computer voice but what have you heard from steven hawkings of late, before this new discovery channle spechail he has going on right now. Not much it's always the really yeah lat's call them sick people you hear about or see, between movies and T.V. you have to wounder what is happenning to the mind today and how bad is it affecting are young. and yeah 16 to 25 is still the young, because they haven't made that complete carree chose just yet so the warpping of the mind can still happen, hell it could happen much more after that but this is when you kid of start to think about what you might end up doing for a life and writing horror films and thinking of new ways to kill or depress people sometimes isn't the best way to go about it, but hell you are giving us new way to get information out of the bad guy's if we want to or for new reallity shows. The last one alive goes free or something like that...

You know ther are some books that are great classics and always will be and then there are's that just pop up and for a while yoou think they are just the greatest thing untill they fall by the waiste side, You are done and over it or other that you just don't get. Look at any of the Holems story's they are great books much like any poirot most are great book make you think and wounder who did it not much in the way of blood and guts to it, now look at some of the books of today Twilight and Harry Potter, both i think will fall off to the side when there time is done. in most cases I think that is when all the movies are made and there isn't anything to wait on. they just don't have the tail that is poirot and I'm looking at mystory VS what ever you want to cat the other two kids teen book, but then let's movie over to something a little more mind warping then Darcula and Frankstien, to great books that one could read time and time again regardless of how old you are and they have never been forgotten over the years and as a matter of fact been made in to a movie more then once so you know it's got to be good. How many time do you think they will remake Harry Potter. Most likly they will notbecause it's something you really can't remake or if you do you risk changing the story of what people know. with something like Frankstien you can change it just a little and have anew story and not destory the true nature of thing that is the book. I think anythign that we can come up with in today orld will have a hard time lasting in the future. Now these book will still be ther ebut I don't think they will show up on any english reading list where as the catcher and the raye and To Kill a mocking bird almost always do. so you just got to wounder do the writes thing about the future when they write something of do they write for the times. It's just who the human mind is working right now we don't even use all of it.. Kind of scary huh....
Oh gods and generals
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