Cover Art..
You know Out of almost everyone I know I have the biggest I-tunes file in both music as well as Video, now that being said I don't have the biggest music library on had in hard copy, I know a few people who have a full wall full of music in there house and not just the small 7feet by 10feet that you might find in a office I'm talking the whole lenght of something like a garge wall, but any time I talk about how big my I-tunes file for music and in truth more to the point Movies they are in shook when I say it's over 200gigs so it becomes a small and fun discution, anyway the intresting thing is the lack of Cover art that I-tunes really has. I have had to either go still a picture or scan on in to make some cover art for the ablm that I just added to my library and it's not just the odd ball stuff that I have on my computer it's main stream stuff that Tunes themself sales that the art work doesn't load in or it's something populer you would think that they would have art work for, just because it is so popluer, but no you have to go and track it down and add it yourself and sometimes I think that is what can case a problem with you tune's file and or pod itself casing it to crash in the first you add to much at one time and it can't take it all in and with someone like myself that has so much stuff cramed on my computer and not just in music but everything else it's a strange thing to have a little i-pod crash because you add to much art work all at once. it's strange but true evebn with computer because I have heard that you should reboot/formate your computer once a year just to be safe and that you shouldn't add all the software back on at one, do it over a week or two so the computer isn't getting all that information at once. You didn't load all your programs at once when you first got that computer did you, no yoou did it over time as you bought them from what ever store you like to get your software from..

You know Out of almost everyone I know I have the biggest I-tunes file in both music as well as Video, now that being said I don't have the biggest music library on had in hard copy, I know a few people who have a full wall full of music in there house and not just the small 7feet by 10feet that you might find in a office I'm talking the whole lenght of something like a garge wall, but any time I talk about how big my I-tunes file for music and in truth more to the point Movies they are in shook when I say it's over 200gigs so it becomes a small and fun discution, anyway the intresting thing is the lack of Cover art that I-tunes really has. I have had to either go still a picture or scan on in to make some cover art for the ablm that I just added to my library and it's not just the odd ball stuff that I have on my computer it's main stream stuff that Tunes themself sales that the art work doesn't load in or it's something populer you would think that they would have art work for, just because it is so popluer, but no you have to go and track it down and add it yourself and sometimes I think that is what can case a problem with you tune's file and or pod itself casing it to crash in the first you add to much at one time and it can't take it all in and with someone like myself that has so much stuff cramed on my computer and not just in music but everything else it's a strange thing to have a little i-pod crash because you add to much art work all at once. it's strange but true evebn with computer because I have heard that you should reboot/formate your computer once a year just to be safe and that you shouldn't add all the software back on at one, do it over a week or two so the computer isn't getting all that information at once. You didn't load all your programs at once when you first got that computer did you, no yoou did it over time as you bought them from what ever store you like to get your software from..
T.V. Shows
You know I got an pod in the first place because it could do some kind of video and then I just started to add things one after another first it was music Videos and then a few movies and then I started to work on T.V. show and 212gig's later I'm still adding shows slowly. I have kind of stopped with the movies because well I just don't watch as many on my Pod as T.V. shows The thing about T.V. shows is that they can ge quick half hour fourt-five mintues what ever is need for a small time spand that I have for lunch and a break in which I can take a little longer with and trust me I had a job one time that taking a 20mintue break was not uncommon as a matter of fact every wensday I all most had nothing to do but clock in for work and then start watching the pod that is when movies did come in handy because I had over 8hours to do almost nothing but sit on my butt and do nothing it was really said but for the most part that is what I was told to do every wendsay you don't have much to do so relax go out clock in and go out find something for breakfast go to the store's down the street just check in every now and then and make sure everything is going ok. I was like ok felt very weird to be doing it but it was only once a week and if I did have to drive half hour I would have gone home and spent the day there, but you know I had a tank load of T.V. shows on my pod and a confortable car to sit in I was happy.. Needless to say that even to this day my T.V. still incress on almost a daily bases and does my Movie file I have both a 500gig and 1tera extrnal hard drive hook up to my computer that hold all this inforation and they are both almost full so you can see that I'm going to be needing more room and you can imagain the stuff I still need to day. It's one of the great things about comeputer you can just keep adding you jusst hope you have the power to run it all, and in my case the pod is a good way to watch thing I normale wouldn't watch on T.V. you can rent or by the progra,m and get it on to your computer and as long as you don't sell it for personal gan for the most part your ok, but hell I put it on ther and forget that it's even there sometimes and with Netflix streaming things now hell I don't ever worry about that I pick something check it out if I like it finsh watching it there the sad thing that they sometimes don't have all the shows on the streaming or they stop after a season or two just as you get hooked into it, lucky for me that really didn't happen with Doctor Who..
as you can see...
it's sunday and you know I don'tr really have anything for you right now I have just been tring to get get cought up on things around the house and haven't had much to do with watching T.V. to catch the news or something that gives off information to really get to me and I know that isn't anything new but that is the weekend I don't get out much and with so I never really have anything new for you and I just don't feel like writing a story out for you but you know I think that might be what I do for you in the future when it comes to saturday and sunday is give you a story something that I have been working on for the past 20uyears or so. Something just for fun and I'll try and find better pictures for you, but for now Let's get back to loading the dishwasher and doing the landry....
Of Gods and Generals
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