Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Suport the country

Laws we make
Look everyone may not agree with the law of the land much like they don't agree with the person they have as a govener or in the house or the pres for that matter and you have a right to voice your opinion on the mater that is what this country is all about and what we all live for,but once something is done we at some point don't you think you should stand near it and show a little support for it wel at the sametime saying you dn't like it. I know that is a hard thing to grasp and even get your mind around but you can stand behinf something like the Pres or the State and say yeah I don't like the idea that they are give but I support my pres or state. I think it's a dumm move for them to do a think like that but it is what the want to try and do so ok. I don't like it but other then voice my opionon on it which I am allowed to do I stand behind the person or state that makes it. This is a show that you are a person that has personal ideals and someone who has an open mind to support the person that is you country/state. I mean come on if you want to get upset about something Leave Arizona a alone man they are just tring to get people out that are there illgealy and make a better state for everyone to live in. You want to get upset about something Look to Cal. Shit man they got a tax rate as high as 11% in some areas which is insane and that is a state that could use a good Imagration law. Find someone that is there Illeagly they should be shipped back that day with in the hour they are found not trail no nothing just aquick background check to see if the paper work is there and ther send them on a bus back to where they came from and that is for everyone. If you are here and you don't have the paper work it's time to go get your ass out and the is support for country. If you think it's wrong then say so but you can't fault people for tring to make it right. There is always something you can do about it by starting a portion and make sure the person you want to make the laws are the people that are making them. You have control of the country in the right. you don't like the person who is in office you can get them out or try but if you don't do anything about it to either help or remove the person then it's time for you to shut up you aren't doing anything about it so you don't have the right to really say anything. For me I don't have the right to say much about anything thats why I go on about it because I sit back and watch everyone else raise ther voice which they have a right to do and then I put in my worthless two cents because I know it's worthless, but at least it's fun and I would hope it makes people think a little....

and Now the Paper work..
Ok so every company has paper to get things done and sometime its a sheet or two, I got this packet in the mail the other day because I going to be part of a study (yes run someone is going to try and study me) and it was three question aries on this three on this over here 2 on this and 6 on this, Now that is a alot of paper work and I need to have it all done by 1pm tomorrow afternoon which should make things fun because I don't know half of the answer to the stuff, plus there is another welcome packet and other information on the study they want to add me to and it's not just the mental stuff they are going after they wand DNA, great they are really going to try and find out what wrong with me right down to the cell level of thing. I think this should be fun once all the paper work is fun of course I could be wrong it could all be jsut a pain in the butt and they might through all my stuff out because I'm either way to sane or way to crazy for them you never know but I got lots of paper work to so and a lot of coffee to do it with a good night of watching all three lord of the rings extend cuts or all 7 star wars film and a good pencail and I should be good to go. Now I know studies take a lot of paper work but dang this much ok plus a blood draw and a three hour interview plus a two an hour hour phone call what is that 5 a half hours for one study tha tI may make it in to well let see what happens and I hope I could be of some help. you can never have enough healthy crazy people in the world don't you think I know they can come in handy every now and then. just look at the Movies.....
Of Gods and Generals

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