You would like it all to end.....
Here we are at another weeks end or for most this would be the end of the week for some it's just satuday night and for others it's monday. Yet you never really know for there are people that work mant diffrent shift and many diffrent times. Not everyone one works 8 to 5 mondat through friday of course that would be nice, No some of us work friday through tusday and have the middle of the week off and others have the end of the week off. if that is what you can call it. For we have gotten use to Saturday and sunday being the weekend because it what we have done and believe over the years, but why does that hold true. why do we believe such a thing and when did it first start who made the "normale" work week monday through friday and why. It's it just something we the sheep of the world do and go through. I mean hell if you wont to attack someone do it on the weekend they are all sitting at home going well that was a long week time to sit on my butt and watch the Tube or play on the computer. don't do it during the week to many people working. they'll see you coming but do it at 6 or 7am like they did at pearl harrbor and heel you got who ever your tring to take out expechaily if you do it on the weekend there isn't anyone really watching at that time, but I run off, back to the weekend being here and for must and it being a good thing. we all look forward to the weekend because that is a chance for must to rest and for others to do things around the house and thne for other to go places and do thing to get more tired just to return to work on manday and complain that they never get any rest. I think it funny as much as we take time for ourselvies and we use computer and many other things to make our lives eazier we lose more and more time if we just did it the old fashion way because it would get done in a more timly manor then the new way which is meant to save us time so we could do something else. the more of a time saver we make the more time we lose and the weekend is no longer there because we are off doing something else that takes more and more time. I think to some point we have gotten so fast that we have slowed down and we need to slow down to speed ourselvies back up. There is no telling what you could do if you slowed down and worked on one thing at a time.
Slow yourself down..
You know sometimes I think it would be nice to go to a place where there is no real world as it was say something that took us back to the 1950's maybe the earily 60's just on a tech base, not the mind set because you know the mind set of that time was not really the greatest, of couser it's not all that great today, but just a little jump back in time where you still did things by hand and on paper, nothing is on a computer you really had to talk and see the people around you. Now I know there are places like this around and you know for the most part I bet they live quit lives in the middle of no where and make a good living off of people comming in looking to get away for there regular lives the sad part is you really can't do that in just two day or even a week. you need to take a good month at the every least to get the life of computers out of you, because you know the first couple of day your going to want to get out of there and by the end of the week you'll be I think I can do this and by months end you wouldn't want to leave because by then anyone you would have pissed off is now either really wanting to kill you or you have made up and are good friends, but that is small town living for you and sometimes that is the best thing and we all need to exxperance at least once in our live and the best way to do that is to enter the witness protection program unless you live in a small town then they'll move you to the city where you may stick out like a sore thumb but no one would be able to find you.
So good and enjoy a little town sometime and remember your life is way to fast almost all the time that you don't get a break and the people that trully live are those who know one another an pitch in when ever there is a problem. they are there to help one another and everyone know everyone else. that to me is true living no matter how fast or slow it really is.
Of Gods and Generals
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