You know it was just that day you get up in the morning you feeling good you start doing things around the house you make your list for going to the store you make sure you got your ad's and you coupons for the Redbox and you head out. You do everything that you need to do you think you get everything you want excapet for the DVD from the redbox which is ok yo ugot to much in you DVR and on Netflix to watch anyway and then it's time for dinner and everything starts to head south. First you start a load of landry and the machien isn't adgitating and you remember that you didn't renew your warrenty with sears because they stopped calling you and you were going to do it this week/weekend. Next you go to make dinner you deforest the beef for dinner and you look in the fig and there isn't enough milk for what you had plained for so you head to plain "B" oh wait that takes milk too and you still don't have enough for dinner. great so it's on to plain "C" and wait yet again you need milk so by this time you either got to travil the 5 miles get milk to make dinner or travil 3 miles and get a pizza for dinner guess what it's pizza for dinner your going to get the milk tomorrow. the day just hit that one spot and I think it's the redbox and went south for the winter so you got nothing on the evening but pizza and no milk whihc sucks once again because you wanted french toast for bre3akfast and for that you need what that's right you need milk and you still don't have any so you out of luck there. but wait you the guy who wont make coffee in the morning you'll jump in the car drive 15 mintues to get some and then make breakfast so I think you can go get the milk first and then make the freanch toast for breakfast, because you know you got everthing else for the night, but you could still use a stiff drink but wait you don't have anything to make it a good hard drink you got the pineappple jusic or ehat ever else you want but nothing else hell you don't even have the milk to put in the coffee licquor you got from a few months ago that you keep in the freg man are you screwed so you know what I think it's time to hope the CD player in the bedrooms still works and go to bed, because you broke you I-pod and you can't use that now so Let's hope for a better tomorrow and when you think things are going south for you here the first thing to do stop take a deep deep breath and just breath because you just in that point of quick sand. No matter how hard you try things are just going to keep going the wrong way and you need to stop and do nothing. Think about what is around you and make the best of it. Call sears tomorrow and lie about not being home for the past week and renew the warrenty and then call for a srevice all on tuesday. Go to the store in the morning and get the milk you need to make breakfast and make sure you take the beef out of the micowave before it goes bad nad use it the next day for something else and all will look and sound better, or at least we hope so
SO go enjoy the star because you played in the sun today...
Of Gods and Generals..
I had one of those days only it started on the evening BEFORE the shitty day!