So there is a weather all over the place and you know we just haven't have the snow this year that we did last year. This past year we have had earthquicks all over the world and they just keep coming and they just keep moving the earth on it axies a little at a time and we are not seeing it. right now Nashville is flooding and we are still talking about Hetai. Chile got hit and hit hard and we are still talking about Hetai so where is the world to help up when we get flooded. No where because we are the U.S. and we take care of everyone else so no one is going to help us here we just got ot take care of ourself as usall and guess what well the southeren U.S. I northeren part is woundering where there snow from the winter went. We had all most none. I took all kinds of picture of the streets flooded with snow and ice and got nothing this year. People where stuck and sliding all over the place people gettingout of there cars and trucks helping people move and get unstuck. This year nothing just a bit of rain. Hell it wasn't even really that cold this year so you can see thing keep changes in the world in one year the lower half of the world catchs everything and the next year the northeren part will catch everything well a good thing the world only has two more years to go before we are all done and mother earth takes us out and returns it to how she wants it she just might change where she wants everything. Put the antarica up a little higher. hell she might just put the earth on it's side just like turning over in her sleep and then in the next 2000 years turn again just as it might be something happens. Mother earth is a great thing you never know what she might do because she is mother earth and no one tells mother earth what to do..
This is us..
you know we are what we make of ourselvies and this world was ours and as the human race we have done everything we wanted to and beat mother earth up. we need to take the time and help her heal but you know she just take care of herself by talking out the thing that hurt her and that is humanity, but we will fight back, but at the same time we need to take care of her and heal her, but this is us and some want to heal and other want to keep moving forward as we have and you know mother earth will make her own deastion and do what she want and she will win in the end Mother earth has been around a lot longer then us and she should be here for many more after we are gone just a lot more brused then when we first got here. so let's enjoy her no matter what way you want to go with her...
Of gods and Generals
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