Just to recap...
You know I ran across someone who sometimes read this thing and they asked why it's posted so late or why do I post it so late at night you might get a few more people to read it or just to read it at all. Well for the most part I don't care if people read it, but I do get a little disapointed when I write something like the Arizona Immigration and no one comments on it, but then it's my opionion if you like it yeah say so if you don't oh but say so, you don't want to say anything ok that's your right You know I care but I don't care because I'm suprised just to hear that someone is reading the crazy thing from time to time, But the Reason why it's done so late at night it's because I need to go throught the day to try and find something to write about or to have soemthing to say in general and unfortunate there hasn't been much that comes to mind. You know if I worked later I would have to start to write earily in the morning, but for the most part it's just something to get things off my mind and of late there hasn't been much to go on about the Arizona Immigration Law was just something that I heard about and still have to do some looking into but I think it's a good Idea if you don't cool that is your opionion and you have the right to say something about it, and what get's me about it is that everyone is yelling at the top of there lungs about how bad it is, and only a few are yelling how good it is, you know this is what I'm looking for and is happy to see. this is america and the fun part that makes it the country we all life in and what this is about. One person speeking what is on there mind as the day went by sorry to say that isn't much from time to time but you know as long as it's done and my head starts to clear at the end of the day I think it's a good thing. The project if to last one year and for the most part I'm not sure it's working or doing what I'm want it to do, but then again I'm not sure what I want it to do. one person going out there opionion on a blog in the middle of nowhere. So no matter what happens there has to be a reason for it and the reason why it's posted so late at night is because it take me the whole day to find something to write about. so just read and laugh because that is why it there and if I piss you all that much better because that means I hit a nerive and you need to write your opionion out and send it out into the world because in the end this is what I think.
Of Gods and Generals
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