Remember Remember the 5th of November....
Ok so I picked this one Up off of Facebook from a friend I have on there, Kids where Told that they need to go home and change there shirts because they where Showing there american pride on Cinco De Mayo and Maxican Holiday of all things. Now I have been and always will be one for freedon of speech and the right to do as you wish Now that said. What the Hell is up with that the Mexicans in this country should be greatfull that they have the day to show there pride he in the us and that they day is even well know through out the U.S. to being with. This is the Untied States of America Not Mexico You want to Celabrate a Mexican Holiday go back to Mexico. We gto enough of our own to enjoy we don't need there Hell you don't see the Canadians Come out and saing we want to celabrate July 1st here in the U.S do you and if we do we do it really quit like we don't have it splashed across the schools like it's some great big thing. Look this is the U.S. you have the right to believe what you want and celebraty the way you want but when you take it to far and ask kids to remove ther clothing because you think it is disrepeactful to your day the get the hell out. In this country a person have the right to stand on one street correr and yell at the top of his lungs and even use a bull horn about something well on the street corren on the other side a person has the right to us a Full P.A. System and yell the other view of it. In this Case these kids where showing pride for there country no matter what day of the week it is. A Mexican Holiday an Irish holiday you have the right to show the pride of the country you are in and here in the U.S. that is the pride to where the Flage of there country. These kids where in no wrong what so ever and should be given a great big Sorry from the whole Mexican Commity as well as the school that they went to I have never seen Ok well I might have seen bigger but I haven't seen any ones rights to wear what they want trash in a few years that it can be all over the place. The internet is a place where in todays world you just got to find the right place to put it and it'll sprade like wild fire. These Kids did nothing wrong and I don't care what anyone say's I have never been much for Cinco De Mayo anyway. I just saw it as a day that a bunch of people had an excuse to drink whole lot.
Pick this comment up off of facebook to...
"Cinco de Mayo is not really even celebrated in Mexico! By the way, it is a celebration of the Mexican army defeating the French. So does this mean that the underlying tone of this celebration is the ultimate defeat of the country that has provided protection, opportunity and a place to call home!"
Boy I like Copy and Past. Ok so NO I will never tell who said what if I use a quote of yours there is no reason to, but I do say I it is someone elses words not mine on this one and now back to me. So let's get recape here the Freedom of some Kids was taken away because they had on shirt that had the american flag on them on Cinco De Mayo Here in the U.S. and Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican Holiday that isn't really celebrated in Mexico. Ok so it comes down to people just wanting an other day to get drunk and be stupied and most of them are Mexicans so you figure this one out Because what the U.S stands for has just been taken way from four kids for no reason on something that in the end should not be even celebratied here. SO let's go turn the river green in Chicago and have a pint.
Of Gods and Generals
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