And the point is....
Does it really matter who killed JFK I think we should look more as to why he was killed. I mean yeah I think it's importen that we find out who killed him or really who else killed him. The Magic Bullet theroy can be disproven but why work so hard to dis prove something. If you can add a second shoot that hit's Kenndy or for that mater just fires a shoot at the motor cade. by now we are down to just alittle over 52 years before anything that is hiden in the archives is showen to us but by then will it really matter to anyone I mean Hell I might be dead and I wasn't really thought of when the guy was killed and I want to know how many shoots killed him. Some people hear four shoots other hear three and some people say they heard up to 5 or six. Now Take those away and nut out of the way and let's just go with Four shoots. The First one misses the Care and hit's and chips the crib on the first side of the Plaza, then you have one that hit's kenndy in the neck, and one that hit's conelly now this is your magic bullet that hit everything and ends up in conelly's thigh that they never really look for. Now if you take two shoot one for connelly's wounds and one for the neck wound to kenney you have three shoots and then you add the fourth the head shoot that takes kenndy out. Regardless of a first shoot which I looks like and has been proven both way like everything else has been. The reall qquestion remainds Why was he killed. The U.S. couldn't take another four years of him as president because of the bay of pigs or the monroe scandle or any other of the many things he was tring to get out of. Like Nam, or how about Heading for space could he have been kill so he couldn't renig on his mission to get us to moon. I mean I think we need a really good motive as to why he was killed. For get the mob wanting him dead the mob wants every president dead it's just the way things go with them so wee need to look to someone a little bigger Now How ever that was night have been using Mob hit men because they are good at what they do. They can just blend in but then again if you know how you can blend in anywhere. Just look at the people around you and pick a few thing as you run down the street and you could just disappear in a blink of and eye I know I have when need to, but think of a hit man in the earily sixties in texxas Hell you could disappaear in less then a blink of and eye. So you have to come up with your own idea as to why he was killed and then you might find out who did it and I don't mean Oswal he might have been ther he might have fired a gun but that to me isn't the question I think we need to find out why. What is the main reason the War, the Scandles or just wanting to make a foot print in history by landing on the moon, and then if he did live what would the world be like today, But I think we need to really find out why and stop focusing on Who, because with the aged weapon and all the make overs they do to them you'll never find a riffle that will shoot like the ones on those on that day, so let's find out why more then who.
You Pick a reason...
Moon landing
Scandles (Bay of pigs/Marlyen)
The war (Going to stop it)
a nut case
Cubia in general
Soft on the reds
You need to think of that more then who follow the money if you can find any like how was oswal was paid for the hit or how much was he paided you need to find out a reason of why and the money trail because there is always a money trail it's just a matter of where does it start and where it ends. Yeah I want to know who did it I think it's importen to know who did it but just as if not more which can lead to the other is why he was shoot so let's look into that for a while. I think the who has hiden the why in a big way and that is what we need to know. Why was kenndy Killed. Go look it up
Of Gods and Generals
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