Ok so by now if you had read tusdays I have broken my Washing Machain about a hour or so just befor the guy was coming to do a yearly check up on the machain, Now he couldn't do anything for me because he was the did Frig's and other stuff, so he tried to call a washing machain tech to come and fix it that day well they where all book up and there wasn't anyone who could come out that day which was fine just set another apointment for Thursday the 20th once again between 1 and 5. Now I get a call about 3:30 saying the guy is running behind and most likly going to be pass five, No problem as long as it get's fixed sometime today I got landry starting to pile up all over the house and with a landry matt cost 4 to 6.50 per load not something I can really aford to do right now. So I'm just kicking back waiting working on dinner and at 5:16 I get a call from sears. It's the dispatcher he was woundering if I had been contacted by the repair person who was coming to fix my washing Machain. I said "No, but I was expecting to hear from him soon" it was a little after five and I need to washer fix tonight.
He said "Ok I'll call him and have him call you with an ETA of when is going to be there."
I said "Thanks that would be nice." I didn't want the guy to show up right in the middle of dinner and have to work well we eat..
So at 5:19 I get a call from the repair guy and he says basically that it was to long a drive for him to come and work on my washer tonight and that he was going to come tomorrow. I was said "Umm No you need to go it tonight I was already in the crapper for the thing being broken in the first place." He was very insteanted that he was not going to come down tonight and fix it but I would be high prority tomorrow morning. Now I don't know about you but I don't have time to weast waiting around for the sears repair person to show and fix something, or any repair person for that matter. I do have other things to do. So I already mad that he wasn't going to show tonight no matter what I said or did. He was done for the day and was going home and that was the end of it so I was furm and said ok be on my door step at 9am. no questions no nothing it's 9am or well there really isn't much I can do but call dispatch and complen. he was I could be there at 8am to start the day. I told him I have soemthing that I need to do and I wouldn't be home tell just before 9am and I should find him standing on my door step waiting this was not right and they had wasted my afternoon waiting for them when they didn't show. we hung up. I finshed putting dinner in the oven to cook and then called back the dispatcher to complan that the guy's additued towards the whole thing was bad. No matter what I said of did he was not comming to fix my washing machain tonight and that I was not happy. He saud he could show up at 8am tomorrow but that was not going to work for me but he need to have his ass there at 9am. Now dipatch told me that the morning window was 8am to 12 noon and they would make a note to be done first but couldn't garente that they would be there. I was well if he isn't here at 9am like I said you will be hearing from me, because I was already upset that they guy was not coming out tonight...
So in the end service with sears could be good like it was on tuesday when the guy can out to look things over and tried to get someone out that day to help me out and save my bacon or you could get someone like this guy who didn't care a bitt what you situation was he was done for the day and was going home. I guess it the luck of the draw..
Not the first time....
You know i have had more problems with sears then almost any other company over the year I think Bank of America is the only other that has given me almost as much problem and with sears it goes way way back to even when I was a kid and I was tring to get and orginal Prime transformer. I have never been happy and they have always said the samething over and over and over to me well that's something diffrent. The Store is one thing, The Catalog is another the two don't talk to one another, and service is a third they have nothing to do with either and can not follow throught with what the preson in the store or over the phone( For the catalog) said. Only the tech and dispatchers can try and promise something and even they it's not someting you should count on, and then there is the credit department. Oh I just don't want to get started on them but that is a fourth element that doesn't talk to anyone and has it's own rules no matter what the store or catalog is advertising. They do things there way and thats it. Oh I don't know why I even went to sears in the first place for my the machains they suck and I know they suck. I think next time I'll try best buy and there service department it can't be much worse then this shit. I hate the run around when I know I shouldn't be getting it. this sucks and it's sad to say there is nothing anyone can do about it even if the guy doesn't show up tomorrow at 9am. So sears is a nightmare company that has been around for years and doing thing there way for year I have been hating it for years. You knwo I bet if you even talk to them that you would have like five diffrent departments now. The Store, the catalog, The credit, the Service center, and now the intrenet. No one talkes to anyone and they call suck because you can be promised one thing by one person and another will say nope thats not how it works. So my thing is to try and stay away from sears now, You can't get good service there anyway regardles of where you go.
Of Gods and Generals
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