You ever have one of those days where the whole day goes so well the sun is shining the birds are out there are all most no clouds in the sky it's just a nice day everything was nice and everwhere you went it people where in a good mood and nothing could really make it a bad day. Then almost in the time spand of an hour everything goes down Hill. The clouds have come it and rain starts, people moods go down hill and the whole day goes to hell, everything that made the day good and fun is wiped away and it is still going on and on and there is almost nothing you can do to stop it. Isn't that a pain in the ass. a good day shoot to hell and you just hope that it ends and a new one starts. Well there isn't much more then that. It was a great day and then all at once it went to hell and just hasn't come back I have a head acke from the hell It's hot and the humity in the house is just making it worries Can really open a window because it way to much cold all at once I can't even get it to bleed into the house just to cool me off so I'm so screwed at this moment that I have lost the nice day in which it started out to be, but at least I remember it was a nice day and it makes things a little better, now it's time to try and relax wait for the new day to come get some sleep and try and forget the end of the day because the morning was the so great, and you know the rain keep me from even BBQ so the whole evening was shot so it's time to quite and try and get some sleep
Of Gods and Generals
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