What Do I do to them..
ok So I have had and I pod for a few years now when they first cam out I was not a big fan of them because all they where was just a really big mp3 played and you can't really do much with it so I was a big fan of the Mini disc and in some ways I still am because it's a good formatte and could replace the CD if people could get into it but that's not really needed anymore with the diggy download and I-tunes and other mp3 ways of getting music. Now when I first got and I-pod I went big which ment at that time the 80 gig because it also did video whic to me made it more worth it, now in that time I have gone through Two 80 gig I-pod and I haven't don anything spechail to them I have left them in my car over night so they have gotten really cold I have left them hooked up to the computer over night to they could do a major re syc and I have had to restore it a few time just to be nice to it I find it good to wipe everything at least once every few years so you can imgain when I do my computers how long it take to reset thing here. Now this my second Pod is starting to die and they want me to spend 125 bucks to send it in and have them look at it and maybe able to reset/refrebush it now this week I could pick up a new 160gig for just a little over 170 a good 100bucks less then I paid for this 80gig Not sure i'm going to do it I think I'm going to throw it a round alittle bit and either break it completely or fix it not sure what going to happen in the end but I think that these thing can't take a little beating every now and then. I mean yeah I have dropped it but not hard or on anything and it's starts to go out on me come on I know it's a few years I think it's about 5 or so, but I know people who have had pods sence they came out and they work just fine. so why is it after five years this one is going out on me. it's makes me not really wanting to get another one, but I have so much stuff bought through tunes and my movie cat is a little under 135 gigs and my T.V. is just over 212gigs and music itself is some where around 168 so as you can see I have a lot in it so I kind of need to stick with it. I might try and find something at a pawn shop to replace this one but I know I need at least and 80 to keep moving forward....
The Pad and Touch...
Ok so I was going to look into either a touch or pad but the biggest they are is a 64 come on for 500buck you are olny give me 64gigs please I should be getting at least 2oogig because for 225 you can get an 160, now you don't get all the app or what ever else you can get on them but I know I can do what I need with an 80 or 160, but that not where I want to go, they are giving you this new product and no enough room to run everything you use to do I mean yeah great thanks for all the new things it can do but can I have more room to hold everythign else i use to have. You have to cut back on what you use to have. I mean I have the 80gig and I have it hold at least 66 gig so i always have a little free space to just in case I need to run and add something to it and I don't really have time to cut somethingk like a movie or play list so having something smaller for me would be bad and that is what they are making these days with the new product is smaller thing I know the biggest pad I have seen is the 64 and it what something like 600 bucks not for me. I'll keep my 80gig and my kindle which I find much better then the Ipad any way. I use my kindle for books and my I-pod for music and movies and with my video files I need the 80gig and can't have anything smaller.
Tech suport..
you know I have come to the conclustion that if you don't keep your Pod under warrenty you are screwed tech suporrt really wont talk to you. They will just go over the basic's with you which is thing yo should be doing before you even call them so apple tech suporrt for any product they have sucks to me. one time I drove over an hour to go to an apple store because that is where the closet one is and they could/wouldn't do anything for me beyond the you can trade it in and get 10% off a new one. They really wound't even take a look at it do it was not worth the drive and they guy I was working with made it sound like if they had on in the store they would have changed it out for me, but they didn't have one, but a week later they called me and said they had found one and if I came up they would trade me out, yet when I get there they would take my old one but they wanted to charge me 170 for the one they had found me. None the less I was pissed didn't by it and left very unhappy because I had just wasted an hour getting there and I was going to have to waest an other hour to get home, plus the time in the store so in the end I wasted about 2 1/2 hours for nothing where as the first time I was there I didn't weast my time because I was in the area for something else and this time I went up just for the pod so that did not make my day. in the end tech support just doesn't want to talk to you if yu don't have it covered and not many people buy the extra covrage I know I don't because it should be able to take a bit of punishment like a drop every now and them expechally when you have it in a pad silacon cover or even an arm band that you can buy at there store but I guess not..
Side note for the I-tune support the people that run the web stuff they are great. I had a problem a while back and I understood that it would take time because of all the problems they get e-mailed to them every day but by weeks end and it might have only been more like 48 to 72 hours I had my problem fixed and was buying stuff again so if you have problems with your tunes software they'll help you out..
In the end...
So yeah get the pod get the big one and fill it other wase whats the point of having it, but don't think that apple is going to really help you if you have a problem with it because they will not..
enjoy the well you can and hope they come out with a bigger pad if you want one I don't thing I'll be getting one anytime soon but then again that is what I said about a pod, they just need to make them a little cheaper for me and a lot bigger like at least a 180gig for me really want one where as the kindle when I first say it was like oh I want one, just sshould have waited tell the third generation came out, but that is beside the point I think it's great I love the thing...
Of Gods and Generals
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