Over the years I have noted something about a few people that is they have no real personality of ther own they are a mirror of the people around them these people are intrseting towatch now a lot of people wil say no there is no such thing as mirror syndrom that it's something that they just made up for the fourth season of house, Well you know I don't think that is true because I have see it first hand. I have seen someone change personality when someone new walks in the room or be one way one day or and be almost complety diffrent the next. It's in the body langues and the way they speek. I once knew a guy that had sure he watch a T.V. program at least once maybe twice a week because he knew that by watching it he would take on the trats of the main charictor in the show. His mind would click in to a more logical way of thinking. His hands would be behind his back more or in his pockets when he way thinking and you would just see his mind work it was strange to see him change sometimes. He would be a fun care free guy one day and the next he was this logical person that was jsut looking at everything diffrent. I sometime wounder what happened to that guy he was a good friend and when we where tring to work together he made things intresting no matter what personality trat he was picking up and using, But I do know this two you never got him made. He was not a physical kind of guy but if you pissed him off he would beable to yell to no end because that was what you projected towards him and he would just Mirror it back at you all most ten fold So Mirror Syndrom is something I know to be well and true in some people so if someone changes there personality trat on you in after being around then for a while I'm willing to bet that they are starting to pick up on the way you feel and some of your personality and showing what you really look like and I know a lot of people don't like to look at themselvies in a mirror. They may not like what they see.
Can't see yourself ....
You know most people I meet and talk to don't know themselvies, They can't remember who they where even when told this is what that had done in years past. I'm the same way, but to think somewhere in you brain is your complete history you know everything you have ever done in your life, but you just can't remember it everydaay so you have no true idea of who youare and who you where. The person you where in High school is diffrent then the person you where in Middle school which is a diffrent person you where in Elementry school. Things change and yet for the most part you can't recall most of them. I don't think that even the great budda knew who he was even when looking for the enlightment that I'm not sure anyone can find. because in orderto know true inlightment one most know themself from beginning to end now I'm sure there are a few people that can recall everything they have done in there life time from beginning to now but those people are beyond rare I have never met one and have only seen it theroised in a few movies and only one comes to mind now because I think it's a great Film and that is Powder so the idea of the human looking into a mirror and seeing themself for all they are might just be really really really hard. I would never say Impossable because I'm nut's and don't think anything is impossable just really really really hard, but I know somewhere someone can do it it's just would you want to look into that mirror and see yourself for who you once where and are now. Stop close your eyes and think back to any moment in time that is more then say Five years ago and see yourself from the outside and then look at yourself now and allowing for a time change are you still that person then jump back further and I bet anyone who can jump all the way back to high school and then Middle school try and jump back as far as you can to see the person you where and the person you are look at all the changes in your life you have made to become who you are. I bett if you could do it, It would be a intresting trip, much like the three ghost that take you on a chrismas journey. So enjoy life but try not to forget the person you once where good or bad because that is what makes a aperson who they are and when you come up to a person who will Mirror you then you have and idea of what you are looking at...
Of Gods and Generals
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