Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Breaking things..

The Washing Machain..
so here's the story. Sears has been calling for a few months and I do means months in one day they called my house four times starting at 8:30am and stopped at 6:30pm they wanted me to renew my warrintys for the washing machain and dryer, finally got around to it on manday and weel I was at it I set up an apointment for them to do the yearly service on very thing in the house. They where showing up between 1-5pm no big deal, but I figured I would still do some landry in the mean time so earily in the morning I start my first load and just start going I had a few load like 7 to do today any way I got to the towle load around noon and near the end of the load and something didn't sound right. I reached in and pulled out the towles and they are soaking wet so it looks like the spin cycle didn't go in the end. so the repair guy shows up about and hour and ahalf later. he looks over the fig, stove and diswasher and then looks at the washing machain well he is running a test on the frig. and yupe I broke it just before he got there, the problem was he was the kitchian guy and I need the washer dryer woman. so none the less I'm out of a washing machain tell sometime thursday afternoon between 1-5pm when she can get here to fix the washer and it would appear the dryer again, but I think it was kind of funny I call one day and then break it the next. Now I have to find a landry Matt to finsh the last couple of load I need to get done should be intresting, But the guy from sear was really nice and tried to find someone else to come out today and fix it but no luck. It was a fun afternoon so remember if you ever have to break something make sure you do it the day after you renew your warrenty because if you do it before your a little on the screwed side of things.

Now the real fun...
there isn't any, just been going around and doing the norm including breaking the washer. Like I have sadi been going through the seasons of Doctor Who and almost done with the fourth season and about to start the two movies that are after the season The Next Doctor and Water on Mars so I'm just a little lost on when we get the 11th doctor because we are still on the ten other then that you guys can go and have fun and be done with this for tonight because other then the washing machain breaking just before the repair guy got here not knowing I need the repair woman but one the less it's almost done with should be over by late thursday so you might hear about it then so go do something more productive..

Of Gods and General

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