The start of the quite...
When a starts to set the nosie of the world starts to stop. It becomes quite and there is nothing left, The roads become empty the animals start rest and all becomes quite till you can hear across the oceans to know what other people are doing thousands of miles away. This it the time you can listen to the Univers and hear what might be out there and for me i get to try and make it an earily night. I have had a long and untring day been working around the house most of it. music up really loud and cleaning up doing a little of this and a bunch of landry which isn't folded now with the sunsetting and nothing more then thethough of the wuite night comming I get nothing much. The story about the kids last night is still and subject that has been talked about and I think it's one that should be going on for sometime as it should be kids kick out of school for wear something they would normale wear is just wrong and something they could might passable be able to sow over for freedomof speech trampiling or something along that lines other then that it's been a quit little day for me here. Haven't really found anything that has got to me to rant on about. Hell I didn't even got to the gym to watch the five bitchy ladies so I don't know what they are up to.
Something small..
I never like to speek ill of the dead, but have you ever had one of those day's where you where watching a movie and foudn out the the Main actor in the Film was dead when was released/made I had that happen to me the other day with Heath Ledger. From most of the news report I saw/heared Heath Ledger had Died durning the Filming of the Movie Dark Knight, because of the night shoots and the stress of Playing the Joker was giving him nightmares, Jack Nickleson Had said it was a hard roll to play and even he had had a hard time sleeping from playing the part becuase the guy was just so nut's, but in truth Mr Ledger Died during the Shoot of his next film which I guess got washed by the waist side because of how big Dark Knight was The Film Was Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus an intresting what do I want to call this art film. Not as colorful as it sometimes appears, but in the end an intresting watch You almost don't note when the other actors Johnny Deep, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell take over for him I would say Deep and Law were a little better hiden as Ledger the Farrel but now the less they all did a good job and it like I said an intresting Film. Now the point I want on this one is that Imaginarium of Doctoe Parnassus is Heath Ledgers last film and he was unable to complete it where as John Candy's last film was Wagons East which he died during and you can see where they hide him in the movie but Canadain Bacon Which he finshed Shooting is Billed as his last Film, both funny movies in my opionon, you can never trully know what an actors last Film might be from the news or the production date, but in the end I know it doesn't really matter but it is scary to see a movie pop up almost a year after a person dies that you have never heard of, because i don't know about any of you I never heard of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus untill I say something on Johnny Deep and heard that he was in it. i personaly thought he was the main actor in the film I had no Idea when I netfilxed it that Heath Ledger was the Lead actor and Deep had a bit apart as a stand-in/change for Ledger. none the less it anintresting film i would say go see it because it is ledgers last film.
Of Gods and Generals
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