What more can you want....
Yes it's the end of the week and for that matter the end of the month Everything starts a new tomorrow for some and for other they will say that there is one more day in the week because Sunday always starts the new week of the might say no we have two more days for before the weeks end because monday starts the new week because that is when we go back to work if you work monday throught firdy and you know I don't Readlly know anyone who had a monday throught firday Job most of the people I know work verius days so they can never really plain anything unluess it's like two week to amonth in advance Which for some really sucks becaue there are somethings that just pop up in the middle of the week that you can only do on the weekends like run throught the desert in a 110 degress. Because you know during the week you want to be inside when it's that hot but on the weekend hey your up for anything and yeah I have noticed that when I have a weekend off or sometimes get off earily from work on the weekend I'll go anywhere and do anything but when it comes to having a weekday off or getting off earily on the weekday I don't want to do anything but lay around the house and Watch T.V. or sleep as much as I can and if this past week has showen me anything Man I can't wait for this weekend to go do a few things away from the house. I had a bunch of loes and lower lows and only a few highs so it's been ruff and I thik it's time to go out and have some fun and buy some milk when I get a chance. but You know I think for right now I'm going to look at a few thing on the Arizona Immigration Law Which for now I think is a great thing for the whole country and shouldn't be just a state thing and try and get some sleep it's been a really ruff week and Your all so good to me when I do a short rant on things like this and I can't wait till I can get back to something like the Immigration law of course I'm waiting for I.N.S. to come and break down my door now and drag my ass off.
Goodnigh and Goodluck
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