Getting things to talk..
Have you ever tried to set up a network for your computer to talk to one another and get your Wii system and a Blu-ray player to get to the internet as well, guess what it doesn't work real well for me. I have been working on this little problem for almost a year not and I still don't have a wii system talking to the internet to join people in playing Mario Kart or for downloading games to play on the system, and then I got a blu-ray that can talk to netflix and watch on the system guess what that has not talked to the system really. Every once and a great lucky while I'll beable to get it to connect when I really don't care because I was going to go off and do something else like take a shower of clean the kitchen. Like everything else it's a pain in the butt. Now Netflix has been kind enough to send me a disc that will let me stream movies through there system, but guess what it doesn't work so if I want I can move the one Blu-ray from the living room to the bedroom and run aother line to try and get it work in there so I'll have Netflix in both rooms if I ever get the problem fix which is comming down to throwing out the Blekin router that I now have and getting a new one, Everyone I have talked to say's get a Netgear or linkic's. which is what I think I'm going to do. I think I'll go with the linkic's just because that would appear to be the most common used for something like this, unless I can get so information on the Tentnet one which to be honnest I really don't want to look up the information on, I just what the bloody thing to work, I would like to just push the button and see a movie on the T.V. so I think it's time to break the Plasma T.V. Gallon bottal and buy the thing along with another 100feet of Cable to run under the house This sucks and I hate going under the house, but at least the cable is only 16bucks..
Amazon Kindle..
You know when the kindle first came out and I saw it and said I wanted my and for my birthday that year I got one. I looked it with like two books at that time, but over the last few day's I have been loading it with all kind of classics that I have been wanting to read for nothing. amazon has this secontion of classic book and limited time books for nothing. So needless to say the Kindle is now getting full of all kinds of odd book like the notes od Da vinci and the works of edgar allan poe plus things like Around the world in 80 days, the art of war, throught the looking glass and the oddest one I got just for fun Letters of demonology and Witchcraft should be an intresting read once I get aound to it. You know I like this thing and I also think it's a step towards the Star Trek Data pad, much like The new I-pad is, we just keep moving forward with these thing and The Kindle was just the next first step It's just funny that I have a first generation Kindle and by now they have at least a fifth generation which probley has a lot more things to it then mine, but you know what as long as I can read and download books to what else do I need. Keep a few houndreds books and I'm more then happy. You just can't have it on when you take off or land in a plane but then again who is going to have a book open when the take off or land on a plane so if you can get one I like mine even if it's a first generation..
SO enjoy reading how every you do it and remember making a network for computer along with a Wii and Blu-ray player sucks eggs if you don't have the right router and Everything is better with Butter..
Goodnight and goodluck
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