The movie...
Way back when ther was a movie made about the first woman to join the suprime court they called it the first monday in october, now back when it was first reasleased in 1981 the subject matter could have been in questionable teast, but non the less once again it's anintresting look at the way the goverment works true or not, it's alway intresting to see how things work, but you know I really don't know where I want to go with this excapte that I happening to be watching the movie now and I need something to talk about and really I can't think of anything to say about this filn other then it over 29 years old and it's work on a streaming netflix right now. I thought it was a good movie when I first say it years and but then back then I watched it more for the nude sceens then for the plot of the movie today so just kinow I really don't have anything to say tongight and will not allow you to weast time I just had a good day of fishing and cleaning house so go to bed
Goodnight and good Luck
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