The face of the U.S.
Over the century's that the U.S. has been around it has had many face and things to show the world who we are. From the Amarican Bold egale to the face of the president, but I think none more noticable is that of the great Captain America, He has been are around sence 1941 and might just even be longer if you look, but for world war II Captain America Appeared and one of the greatest symblos that is America Appeared. I don't think anyone in the world doesn't know Captain America when they are showen a picture. For many years the great Steve Rogers Was the man of the country that is the U.S. He was the great symbol of freedom for the U.S. ther was one point where he was strip of his name and unaform and became a private citazin, but contuied to work to fight the crimes agaist the country. He did regain his name and title back and was once again the great captain america, then a few years a go, they Killed him three shot's to the mid-section, by his own brain washed girlfriend. a Classic tale and a great way to go out, if you ask me and one of the best. I read an artical that said once Steve Rogers was dead that they where not going to bring him back to life, unlike what they did with superman, but of couse they did lie to us and in the end they brought him back to life, but he is not the great symbol of the U.S. there is a new Captain and Steve Roger is happy to let him be. Now don't get me wrong on this I could be very wrong on a few points here I don't really collect comics anymore and I picked up a few books to see what had happened when I found out that they where going to kill this great symbol of the U.S. and try and rebuild it with a new face. Did it work I don't know because when I see a picture of the great Captain I see a symbol of freedom and hope, he is and always will be that regardless of who is under the mask.
Just one of many..
Captain America is just on of the symbols that the U.S. has the Bold egale being another to the point that everyone wanted on in ther house to they almost became exstinct he in the U.S. I know of a few place's that have net's for the great bird, one being on a light post at the Kenndy Space Center and another at a Zoo here in Washington where the birds can come go fling across he sky. This symbol of the U.S. is on the floor of the oval office and all around the white house, but the one on the floor of the oval office is said to be changed in a time of War. if you look at it the great bird is facing to the right where the olive branches are, but in a time of war he turns his head and looks to the arrows on his left. Now I don't know if this is ture or not but would be great to know if it did and to see a picture of the great bird in both of the postions.
The Flag..
Now the biggest Symbol of the U.S. is that of it's flag the one thing that has changed the most of the 200 years of the U.S. and is with out a dout the most know symbol of the U.S. in any form that it has taken over the years. The Flag of the U.S. is it's greatest symbol and most likly always be regardless of what what it looks like. It show's the orginal thirteen states and the great Fifty that it is now and the ablibity to grow byond what it is, but will always be a symbol of freedom and hope regardless of what happens here in the country the bright shining world of hope that means you can do anything you just got to give it a try and keep working at it.
No matter what it is...
If it's a Flag, a bird or a comic book charactor the U.S. hold's many symbols and they all show the same thing. there have been many over the years and I have no dout that there will be a few more in my life time and I hope there are just as good as ones from the past much like that of uncal sam and the great I want you campain. all these things show freedom, hope and change you just have to believe in them and the country that stands behind them and for me there is no greater symbol then that of Captain America no matter who is behind the mask.
Goodnight and Goodluck
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