In the beginning
You know I don't really care about it. In the beginning it was a show to watch on the new T.V. a small little nine inch black and white. We watch it right after the Hockey game when I was a kid. You know I was never really a fan of the show and yet it had a life all of it's own. For three year we had this show before a movie popped up and changed the way you looked at thing and the people in the show, but do we really care. I mean given enough time and good plaining you could destory anyone of the ships in star fleet with just a few good shots. Now you get yourself a star destorier and you might as well kiss anything that that fleet comes up with good by. We are talking about ships that can suck in the enterprise "D" and a drop it becak out in small little chuncks of metal just to for a small snack. but then again I'm a star W ars fan, even if I have seen almost every show of star trek. I have seen almost none of deep space nine, just couldn't get into it. You know if it didn't cost so much I think a star wars show the folllowed other character after the rise of the empire or it's fall would be really cool. Yeah I know that they have the clone wars cartoon, but thats a toon I think we need a real life action show to bring forth a real adventer that is the world of star wars..
the later years....
For many years star trek was off the air and lived inside a few movies some really good and others not so much and believe it or not it's the not so good one I watch the most sometimes I just need to watch a good/bad movie and star trek has given us a few of them. Where star wars has never done such a thing or not a least as bad a star trek. I give in to fact the revenge of the sith was not the best but then again you can't get much better then the first one Star wars. in time star trek came back to the small screen lasted for the first seven season as the next generation and then we moved in the last year of generation we go deep space nine which then gave us another seven seasons and then we got into voyoger which also gave us another seven years and the last show had a few problem for any star trek fan in how many galaxy class ship where there and then we got enterprise which gave us four more season so Star trek was on the air for over i believe just over 18 years which reallys isn't that bad and they also put out a few movies in that time some good other not so good, out of what is it 12 movies you only got I would say three good ones and a lot of not so good ones where as star wars you got 6 maybe 7 movies and only one not so good one who has the better track record here. So seeing a few more star wars movie after return og the jedi would be a really cool thing. but once again I like Star wars a lot better then I do Star trek and trust me I would not pay 60bucks to get Lenerdo Nemo to signa peice of paper, but then again I would pay 40 bucks to have stan lee sign a few comics to bad I didn't get the real chance to get that done.
Marvel on T.V.
You know I think with todays tec you could come up with a really good show weither it be an X-men show or a Captain america, or even a avenger Show, Hell you could even have a S.H.I.E.L.D. Show and bring back the gummpy old white guy to run the department, and it wouldn't cost that much, but then again T.V. shows are coast over a million dollors a pop these day. I bet you a good Marvel show or a star wars show would really really cool, but the question is would it fly these day. I'm not sure all depend of what they do it on and how it the show is run. I would thin that an X-men show would have the best shot with all the hype and movies around them right now and you could bring some new people in and out a the show goes along. I would just start at the beginning of the comic sires and work my way forward using the books a the script that way qw have over 500 hundard script and clift hanges all set you just need to know how to lay it out which given time I bet I could do. You know when I was in high school I was bord and wrote one of the comics out into a script form. It was kind of cool. I still have it printed out some where. I was where you got the new team of storm and colosius. it was something that was fun to do but hey thats just an idea, that while never come to light.
For now..
Well for now we got reruns of M.*A*S*H* to watch and you really don't need much else so enjoy the best show that was ever made and hope for a Star Wars T.V. show or an X-men show..
Good night and good luck
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