Could have book one have been longer. Yeah I think it could have been. Look I know for the most part the Ptter thing is done and over with, but looking back on it I think book one could have been longer and maybe book two for that matter, but I can see where she cut but I think it could have been longer in the fact that we could see more of practice and just the everyday goings on at the school. The main focus of the books is on harry so we go pretty much where he goes and see what he see, but I think we couls have seen a done more. because we kind of jump for one season to the next. Now after reading all seven books and knowing who that ends listing to book one makes things intresting to see where things started, we could of had a little more info in the very begaining with the anta and uncale, but we don't really get it. A bit more back ground on the two of the them so we know why they both don't like magic. Later in the books you find out why the anta doesn't really care for harry but she shows signs in the end of remorse.. but you never know about the uncal so I think it's something that we could get to know just a little more about. I thinks there is a lot we can get in the more info on in the first two maybe three book here. of couse you could always get a few spin offs or back story book on some of the people in the books just from another point of view and Harry and the others become the back around or we get information before the he starts his first year. we can see how the know He who must not be named is still around and what happens to other people in the books. So we could have many a side story see get a much bigger picture and starting with year one or in todays world -10 is not a bad thing I just now see that book one could have been longer so we get a better idea of what Harry did on a normale day in school and in class. See a more dislike form the Postions teacher and the Hard/caring from the house mother. we could also see and get to know more about the ghost's seeing as how they come to play later in the last book and we knew almost nothing about them and in going over the first book I see that we never know who the head of houses are exapte Harry and one other. It takes us tell book three to find one other and until book six to find the last one. I think this is worthless stuff we could have know in book one, just to have that knoweldge more then anything else.
You tell me...
would you want to know alll that there is with out giving anything away? I guess that just me looking at thing from every angle and needing to see the side stories that are there. Now I'm not that happy with then of the story I think she could have gone another book, but I think book one could have been longer and held more information and here in the U.S. Left in the orginal English. so just a little something to sleep on..
Goodnight and Goodluck
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