What do you see..
Over time people are told one thing and you see that which they tell you, but is it that what is really there. Now there are many photo's like this and the last super is just one of them so you have to make up your own mind on what you see what and what is fact, but then again fact is what the winner say's it is. now I ask you what do you see and then ask you to think about this again is anything else possable with that picture and not just this one. look at everything. Now I hapen to Like De vinci and most of his art and I play devil addvicte rather well or at least most people say I do. I like to look at all sides of things when ut comes to an issue even if I already have my mind set on the right out come I can try and talk and see the other side. For me I see 12 men and 1 women if it where 13 men we would have and unlucky number would we not for lack of A better word Evil the number 13 is so connected to evil that why would there be 13 of them here in this photo. or at any other given time would you want the number 13 around an man of peace if it's a number that can bring bad luck. people see what they want to see in everything. I try to see both side, but not all the time and when it comes to small things like drug show on T.V. Like weeds or bad company I think is the other one I like to see that yeah this is bad thing these people are showing but they are showing the brighter side of things, not always the dark side you are forever seeing in the movies or other T.V. show it's just a brighter side of things do I think these show's are wrong yeah a little but hey show a brighter side to things if we have to look at it, but I can also say I have never really seen the show to know what I'm really talking about. you once again what do you see when you watch it or look at it. is what you're looking for really there or is you minds eye just placing ti there for you to see is anything else possable, could it be true. Could the mona lisa really be a what Di Vinci looked like Could he have been really a woman. You need to think about it, to me whe was a guy and the really mona lisa may never really be know. What do you see when you look at her...
Can you see...
is the mind a thing that can see the past and the future can you feel something before it happens once again we have what do you believe and has it happpened to you, can you also believe that the body is a chemical thing that when it dies about 2pounds just disappears, the soul is leaving the body so can it be enegy be released back into the univears to be collected in another form and go forth, a good idea which means two people could claim to be the same person because they are made up of two diffrent energys could this be true. I don't know but a good theroy the soul is energy that is released back in to the univeras and as we travil from point a to point be we lose ourself in the heaves that it is just something to think about and bring forth the new question what are we? what do you see in the mirror and can you see through it using your minds eye or have you been.
blinded by everything around you
Is eveyrthing you see what you see or can you looked past it and see something else is there a chance that what you see or know isn't true can you be wrong and a book that is 2000 years old be wrong. Can you see the image on the peice of cloth can you believe the image that is built from it. Do you want to see the image that was built from it to really know the face of the person that is there I would it make that much more really. Yeah I can see the image, but are you blinded by what people tell you is there or do you really see it for what it is. every person has there own opion and you have the right to express it and I think you should, that what this rant Blog is about expressing MY OPIONON and not caring if you think I'm wrong or crazy"which I am by the way" this what I think. I see the person and I would like to know what he really looked like if I could so the CG modle that was made I think was a good Idea and I liked the face that came up gave us a person to really look to for peace and harmeny just like many things else you have to make up you own mind and use that minds eye to see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe not just what you are told. find you voice and use it.
I was once told by my parents that they would never let me have a ham radio of anything else that would transmit out a radio like a radio station because they had justed watch Pump Up the Volume and said that would be you so NO you can't have one. I looked at them after watching the movie myself and said your right that is me I would do something like that, just for the fun of and that is what I'm doind here just having fun and expressing my opionon on a few things or something that bugs me during the day. A few times you'll get nothing about nothing and sometimes I'll drop a story in just because I didn't find anything and other times I'll find something and go on and on and on and you'll see it pop up again and again. Like the thing with the movie CRASH it sucked big eggs so how it won the oscar for best picture is byond me. I have said it before and I'll say it again and again because it did and I just don't want to weast the time to watch it again and form a new opionon on it. it sucked and that is that. so what do you see in the minds eye does yours even work..
Goodnight and goodluck
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