Ok here we go again on this just because I thinks it's so great, Got the network to work and now my blu-ray runs netflix left and right all day long When I turned on my cable box this evening to watch something I found out how long it had been off, because it was still set to the channle that I had on this morning I had watched Netflix most of the afternoon I'm so great full to the friend of mine who help me to fix it and for the new router that I got to make it work as much I know I know about computer I know I know nothing when it comes to software I can work you hardware take out your hard drive replace you mother board and what ever else you need but when it comes to software I know I'm lost and I think that more to the point I don't want to crash my computers I have way to much stuff on them and of couse I have nothing backed up, I was thinnking about buying a 2tara hard drive and just coping everything from all the computer on to it and putting it away.
Back to the show....
Now back to the flix. I have always enjoyed having netflix, now I was not one of those people how jumped on this band wagon when it first come out it took me at least two years but then when I got into it man did I work it and now with the streaming happening to the Wii which works too and to Blu -ray I'm so happy I'm watch all kind of things now I'm afaired for both my DVR and DVD/Blu-ray collection, but I know it will all come in to play, I just can't wait to start using some of the other great things that come with some of the blu-ray like the Movie I.Q. and the BD live thing, plus the blu-ray does you tube So this could be really intresting the things I could look up on that.
The sad part...
As much as I like and enjoy netflix and I recommendit it to almost everyone and anyone I think it put a real pinck on placesd like hollywood video and Blockbuster, now blockbuster has it's on mail in and return to store think, I can't feel to bab about them but I have a hollywood video closing near me and that put's more people out of work that is second store to close in the past 5 year plus a fewother small video stores have closed over the past ten years, now there are many things that could be factors to why these places had to close but you never know one thing I do know is the price you pay to rent something is way out of hand Years ago it was 99cent to 1.99 and the Eduction film where 2.50 now it's like 4.95 or something like that and the back stock are like 2.50 or more, come on this is nut's, now I know there is more to it then jsu the price of the movie that you are paying for but come on, oh wait it's the greedy american I want more so everything cost more and thus places start to closee like this Hollywoood video, but they you can pick up DVD's for like three bucks because everything must go right down the carpet, but you know I say keep the store and just use it as a selling point fpr all the prevelss viewed film and Game and everythign else that they have a tank load of, Down in Florida they have a store call Video stop and off shoot of Game store and all they Sell are DVD and Blu-rays. I think we could use a place like this around here and this locastion would be a great place fpor soemthing like that so I say go for it what is the worest that could happen it doesn't work and you have to close the store well you are closing it anyway why not try this first before you completely close the store you never know it just an Idea much like the Bar, landry matt and coffee house if I had the money I would go for it.
SO with that I'll say go get your netflix your Wii for the young kids and your PS3 for the big people and start your viewing as you go because they can watch the netflix and hey for some you just need to have the cheap plain where you get one movie at a time and all the streaming you watch so turn it up and start watching..
Goodnight and Goodluck
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