Again with this..
You know I was out eariler today and someone said something about Jackson and it just got to me. The dude is dead get over it. Come get over this. He's dead and he is not comming back.He wasn't all that and a bag of chips. He was an arties there isn't much more to that. He keep changing himself and it just didn't work. He hasn't had a big album in years he was just a guy how could sing, but guess what he wasn't that good and there are better singers out there. Look I know people go nut's over him, but they did the samething for Elvis who was a tank load better and made the road for him to come up. Jackson is dead get over it and get on with your life. Let the guy go..
Now Elvis
This was the real and only KING. here is a guy yeah he did himself in but he was a guy how make and pushed Rock N' Roll into the world with out him you wouldn't have anything we have. Jackson wouldn't even if a leg to stand on. Elvis is the man and I think you could have a good arties redo his whole song book and you would have a singer that could make something of themself this is the world today, but even then I don't know if this world is ready for the next Elvis. 10 maybe 15 years ago Jackson could have given Elvis a run for him money but he has not done anything major in the last yeah 10 year I don't remember anything that he has don Now I wasn't around long for Elvis he died when I was a young kid and I don't really understand what happened at the time, now with the death of Jackson I can say get over people they are both dead. Know this and get over it. I think that the Elvis was the King and now he's dead I have gotten over it but I haven't seen anyone who could take his place and I don't think anyone every could just because of what the man went through to get the world of music to where is has gotten to today. Now in some case I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but you know over the years ther have been many people that has brought the world of music to what it is today. Jackson and Elvis where just the two that moved it a little more forward and made many changes and huge changes that gave us a world of music. so enjoy it.
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