Cry Havoc and Let lose the dogs of War.....
We the people of the United States stand before you and say "If You are here Illegally it's time to go home." or at the very least that is what we should be saying and what the Law in Arizona is saying to all those that are here Illegally. Kick those out who do don't belong here regardless of what they have or have not done if you have not filed your papaer work you should not be here, if the U.S. has not said they want you here you should not be here, You want a dran on the econemy here you go. Million and Million of Illegal people in this country the sign that once read Bring us you hunguy and mass now has a big sign on it that says No Vaconcey Go Back to where you came from. Look this is a great country and we take care of almost everyone in the world but ourselvies and Now i think it is time for the U.S. to do so. Let the Rest of the world go to hell take care of our own and now we are going to start with this New Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 Kick them out they don't belong here. How many of us are fighting for a Job agaiest a person that is here Illegally. Guess what it's time to start kick everyone out that should not be here, Now I know that might be a bit suprise to a few million people that are living in this country and don't know that they hare here illegaly but guess what you are and it's time to go home and as and Green (which is really white) Card carring Snowback (Canadan) regardless of where you come from if you didn't appley for your green card and just jumped the boarder it's time for you to go. I'm all for this Law and I don't really know what it's about excapte that in the State of Arizona if you care pulled over or stopped for any reason they have the right ti check you immigration states and if you here Illegal guess what it's time to go. Let's hand them over to the Fed's and start bussing, planeing boating them back to where they came from and I don't care where you came from or how you are it's time to go..
Here's a Sad but true case...
Lady has been in the country almost all here life, was adopped at like 3months she been in the U.S. for more the 37years he is married has two or is it three kids, She got arrest for the second time on a drug charge of some kind they looked into her Immigration states and guess what. The people that brought her forgot to fill out some paper work and she has been here Illegally for all her life and she never know it as a matter of fact she tought she was a U.S. citazin. Well now she is being deported because of he crimal record back to a country she doesn't know anyone and doesn't speek that language. Well guess what it's time to go. Look I know it's a sad tell and everything but I'm not one to mix things when it comes to Immigration.
I have been in this country for just over 30years I when we came down from Canada we filled out all the right paper work wait out time and got are green cards, Now if it was found out that the paper work was filled out wrong or we didn't fill it out guess what I would be mad and on the other side of this I think. This might be a little hard for me to fight the other side just because I'm for it all to much but I might be able to do it, anyway speeking from this side of it right now I would try to fix it if I could start filling out paper work to try and stay, but if in the end it didn't work I would held back to Canada Pissed of but I would go, Now I filled out the paper work so I have a right to be Pissed off. Now the people that jump the Board and run to the nearest town to find a job, Guess what you have nothing to be upset excapet the the fact you got cought, because it's time to send you ass home, you don't belong here.
Another true story..
So I was board and watch I think it was the history channal again and they were doing a thing on Ilegal immigration and following the boarder Potral around, they cought a group of people jumping a fence took them to a holing place and start running hearing and things on them. One guy spent two at the holding place before seeing a judge and then released into the U.S. with a piece of paper saying he would return for his hearing and sentceing a few weeks later. They guy was asked if you was going to come back. The guy looked straight into the camra and said "Nope I knew I was going to get this paper if I was cought." and I looked like he wanted to get cought "I'm heading to chacigo"
What Crazy as shit is this The dude should have been on a bus two days ago on his way back to where very he came from, Daily trips back into mexico because that is where I would assume Arizona and Texas get's most of there Illeagal from. Start shipping them back. If they have money's and holdings in the U.S. guess what it's now propery of the U.S. Goverment to help pay for all this stuff. We get to start selling there shit off. The more illegal immigrants we get out the better I feel and thinkn of all the jobs it might open up get ride of 1 million illeagl's in Arizona another Million for texas and 10 million from Cally Shit think of all the people who can find a job now. Hell what would the prison look like if we shipped out all the people that are here iellgaly or for that matter had a green card and broke th law, shit ship there ass home to where thay cam from and that includes myself. If I was in Jail for ssomething heavy like drug trafficcing or human smuggling or hell even manslater shit send my ass back to Canada and put me in a canadan prison, Kick me out of you contry and don't let me back in. Think of how many people we could get ride of and how many jobs it might open if you start kicking out those who are here illegal or broke the law, Kick there asses out I don't care who you are or where you came from it's time to go home. It just might cause a shit load of havoc but hey let's do it maybe a little havico is what we need. Let's take this Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 and make it a fedreal Law not just a Simple state one. If you don't belong here it's time to go. You want to make a clear 2010 Cences poll well guess what you got to take in count for the Millions of Illegals that are not going to fill it out and a few thousand Homeless people out there two But let's get ride of the Illegaks and start Helping the Homeless one by giving them the jobs that the Illegals had, helll you know some of them would jump at the chance..
The Ecomey Still sucks and I think this is just one small and I do mean small way to help it get back on it's feet You start kicking out the Illegals and giving there jobs to other people and can start to feel a bit more pride in the country.. It's just something to think about.. I can see myself coming back on this one again in a few day's or so because I havn't heared the Five bitchy ladies say anything on it just yet and I do want to see what it all in tails Like I said I don't really know what the Law is so I might be way off on it rerally I'm just up for kicking people out that don't belong it it's a dran on the U.S. in so many ways from the prison system to the unenployment system to courts that I think it's time to go. The Doors are closed and they read Not Welcome
Goodnight and Goodluck
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