One reason....
Ok so they changed the channel on me at the Gym again so I'm back to the View and today we got that of T.V. shows that are showing what I will call the brighter side of Drugs and dealing along with other things that things that are meant for adults and how it was not meant for young kids or people even some teenagers geuss what that is why they came up with the rating system for T.V., but the thing about it is that they where talking about shows that where on Cable channels like HBO and Showtime and other ones late night show that are on something Like Brevo and AMC. these show kids and teenagers should not even beable awake when these shows are on let alone have the ablitiy to view them. The Rating system was created to show people what is going to be happening and what is there for kids to watch, but it was also invented to give the T.V. companies more ablitly to add things there show. like Blood and gun shots and all that crap plus you now see people drink achoal on T.V. which is something you couldn't see years ago and now it's everywhere on almost every show that is out there. You can't have the meeting of two people with out some kind of achoal showing up. They don't need to have achoal ads on T.V. you just have to watch any show on t.v. today from Brothers and sister to one life to live to even two and half me there is achoal in all the shows so what is the point of the ad's you just don't need it give them a bottle and have them hold it or ask for a shot of it during the show and there you go instant advertising. It suck for more then just on reason because if you are going to adress things that should not be on T.V. this is one of them. because it tell everyone to go out and drink as much as you want and have a drink everytime you get home from work or even at the lunch meeting and when ever you get to gether with someone, even if you have kids..

What the Hell...
As the great Woopie say's. if you say today's View 04/13/10 which is also where part of todays rant came from, they had Joan "THE BITCH" Rivers what the hell is with this, you want the king of the Bitchy ladies and one I have no respeace for there you go. I must say she is just beleow marth swart on the people I don't like. I never really cared for her in the first place, but after the celeberty appeanctice I lost all respect for her, she might of won that show, but only because she screwed over the other person so what the hell were they thinking bring this bitch on to the view I reallyneed to get that sony remote to change the channle at the gym because this was just a pain to watch, but it gave me something to play Devils addvicte with later when someone brought up the T.V. rating thing and they had watch this show. So it made for a long yet intresting discustion which end in most hey they did this because we got new rating for the movies and CD's so why not t.v. and this is what we get more stuff that shouldn't be on the t.v. or on the movie screen or in music, I'm all for freedom of speech and what not, but come on you say one thing about smoking and achaol and then you do something else. oh this is just the way it is, so get over it and remember they are putting the brighter side on some of things we mostly see the dark side of. Like drugs and crime..
so create your own debate about it and enjoy the descution..
Goodnight and goodluck
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