The week...
There are many things that happen on monday and I don't know a lot of them because for me one day just blends into the next I have a hard time knowing what day of the week it is so I get lost on it very fast so is today monday of is it saturday Let a lone knowing the day of the monday do I know what the day of the week. I have been working around and in the house today so I'm not sure what is on the tube. I haven't even looked at the DVR to try and find out what day it is and believe it or not that is one of the ways I do know where we are in the week let and alone the month. if it is monday they have a good chance at getting in some reading before I go to bed. I am so behind on my reading as it is. I am less then Half way throught Dan browns Lost Symbol which is sad because I get it the first day that it cam out and I know I wrote something about it a while ago.
When I was younger I didn't read that much and when I started to get into comics my parents were happy that I was reading anything at all so they help me get back issuse and it became a thing for me and my dad to do. We would go out and look for comics and go to convetions from time to time, I was able to get comics signed by both Stan Lee and Todd McFarline. The second time I met Todd He was out the night before and had the biggest hang over I think he had ever had in a long time I was just before the Movie of spawn was released. I told him to drink lot's of water. I later when from comic to book. My mom brought home a copy of Hair to the Empire that a friend had given her. I was a big Star Wars fan by then and she showed me the book and I started to read it. It was the first Star Wars book in a long time I understand and with that book I moved slowly from comics in to books I read the first to in that seirs that my mom was able to brough from her friend and once I was done I rode because I still rode a bike down to the local B Doltons and bought the thrid book, I needed to know what happen. From that point on I really start to get heavly into books and from there things just exploited now I got books all over the house and in box's and now I have a Kindle. It only has like two books on it for right now but I plain on getting more. I think it's a great idea and I love the thing. so go read a book and does that mean it's monday becaue I think I need to read toight..
The Rain...
The water that falls from the sky it always seem to come down at the wrong time I spend most of the day inside and running back and forth from the garge to the house moving things back inside, and no rain, but the mintues I wanted to go out to a store it started to rain and a as I got farth from the house the harder the rain got. the whole time I was out it was rainnng the whole time. I drove home got into the house and started cleaning a little more and half an hour it stopped raining it a strange thing the weather sometime I think it hate me or it just wants to screw with me because it finds it funny to do so. Of coused don't we alll think that at one time or another. Someone up there hates us when in truth they are just screw with us because we get a turn and it's fun never take it personal, but I do think they screw with some people more then they do with others and make it rain just as you get ready to leave is one of the best way to get a lot of us all at the sametimes it fun amd most of the time I laugh because I do find it funny even when I do ask what did I do to piss you off this week. So enjoy the joke and smile when it happens and ask the sky what did I do, just remember sometimes it not you your just cought in the middle of it, but if you are in Cal and it starts to rain look up and enjoy it you don't get a lot and it's always nice to feel it fall on your face and the freash smell just after if done is something you can never forget. Close your eyes and enjoy I knoe=w I do just after the First rain of the year when ever that is because it's almost always raining here so I enjoy the sunshine when we get it.
Yeah so...
You know I had a few things to go one about tonight but I think it's best left until I get a full Idead and I remember what it was that I wanted to go on about, putting the house back together does have a problem of making your mind go off into other directions then you wanteded. So yeah I have the problem of not remember things. Oh well if I get back to it I'll go on of course I keep saying that and haven't gotten back to any of the things that I said I would give me time and I will In some cases I just need to find the right Photo or just get a run on it going but trust me I got a few Ideas I want to go on and to start to insalt people with should be fun just got to get there and one I will just going to take time and right now I got a lot of that so a good run should come soon. just need to find something good and I do mean really really good to go one so everyone wants to read it and I know a story isn't it, but I might try something that I am writing again tomorrow day and something else tomorrow night, but I wouldn't count to much on that well see what we got. until then
Goodnight and goodluck..
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