THE spark of it...
I was watching boston Leagle and start to wounder what is right in this world and is freedom something that we might not really have,
DO we have it..
You know we have so much freedom that we no longer have it. The Right to freedom is everyones right but in the end are freedom is limited to what the company we work for is. In many states we they have an at will polisty which really mean we can fire you for any reason even the one that is just made up as we no longer need you. Which sucks I have been on the end of that one before, but I think the best reason I have ever been let go from a job is You don't fit in here and two days before they had just ordered new shirt with our names. SO do we have freedoom or is it what they want us to believe and that is just the work place there is many more places where freedom is not the friend of the reguler person.
Year pass by..
As time goes by we have lost more freedom then we even know, but we are still much better off then most countries and people around the world. You know I don't what to really think about it watching court shows is not always a good thing for me. it get's my mind to wounder and I know that the laws of the land today are not the ones we had when we first started out over 2oo years ago that is to be expected. In time all things change, but does it always change for the better or is it what a few people want are we really doing what is best for the people we secrive. I know that the laws of the land are what we need a they most of time do good for the people, but is it what we get and alot of the time I don't agree with it, but time pass and things just stick around for years and are never removed from the books so later they can either save the life of a guilty man or even when punish an inasent one. Did you know that it is illeagle to have orla sex in over 26 states and that in at least one state if you don't have at least one acre of land that hold hemp if you are a farmer, but then hemp is illegal because it a drug so these guy's can have the DNA breaking down there door for drug postion so you tell me do these people have the freedom they should have or are they just really in trouble in one way or another.
We are the people..
we are what we are and the freedooms we have are just that much better then some in the world but sometimes you have to think we they happier they we are. just because they don't have they freedooms we have have doesn't mean they are happier then we are. So what do you think is the truth who is better the person who can get away with murder or a the person who gets taken care for murder. you have make up your own mind. personal hey I like the freedoms we have, but I am all for taking care of those who are guilty for murder.
Make up your own mind...
Goodnight and goodluck
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