Thursday, April 15, 2010

Legos and high school

For Kids...Really...

Ok so I got this lego kit for chrismas one year and it say's it's for 8years olds and up, yeah right If you believe that I got a nice bridge to sell you in new york started to build it some time in the late 40's we now call it the broklen bridge I'll sell it to you for a cool 100gands good buy if you ask me, but any way. It took me two day's to put things thing together it was nut's it had two count that again two books of instruction on how to put this thing together and if you have ever put anything together wither it be lego or other wise you know that sometimes they give you step 5a but you should have done 5b first or they hide a step inside a step so you have to take something apart to and redo it when you ind out that you did something wrong of that it doesn't look right to what they say you should have. Done this a few times. Now Women will say well thats just a man thing well guess what I have come across a few women that maded the same mistake I did and then some when building something. So not everything is as it might seem, but then what do I know right I'm crazy. So Here I am sitting on the floor in my living room building this crazy thing and Yeah I'm having fun doing it but it's just insane on all the little hiden peaces there are or you need to find this color block before you put this one on and they say an eight year old could build this thing, yeah if he doesn't lose intrest in it after the first 10minutes of tring to make sence of the insructions. When you done it looks great and rolls really cool but man getting it there is an other thing. But hey I say do it anyway what is more fun then building something that you can destory buy running it into the wall just to put it back together again and find afriend that has made on to and try and ram them together a reallly high speeds. it's not just for building and putting on top of you book self to collect dust have fun with the bloody thing it a lego peace and legos are great fun.

When I was really younger...

You know to take me back a few hunder years and I was a kids I just had a bunch of legos and would build all kinds of things and then just destory them a few mintues later. I alway enjoyed them. that was before they really had any theame or sets, I remember when they started sets one of the first was this moon thing that came out and me and some friend where going to try and make a movie of some kind using legos but it never really got anywhere beyond the testing stages and at one point we got into a fight because I thought one of my friend stole a couple of peice of mine and he didn't want to give them back, it was not a pretty afternoon, but remained friend until late in high school, which is really where things changes isn't it

High school and friends...

You know school is funny in the earily grades k-6 everyone is friend happy and no one is really over anyone, yeah you have a few bully's but they are mostly taken care of for me I never really had any problem in the lower grade I had maybe One or two fights but they where over girls that which didn't make anys sence then or now but hey I lost so what do I know, Then you get into the middle school 7 and 8, where thing start to change and you are getting older and bully's are starting to appear and the populer kids are starting to show up and your clikes start to pop up, me I was the outsider Hung with the nerds and if you want you can could have called me the cool nerd, because I sucked at school made it throught both 7 and 8 grade with straight U's I didn't even warrient an "F" I got the "U" what ever that was, but I made it in to high school

9th grade is where thing really started to change the clikes start to show and I was in the wrong group and at that time my bestfriend and female friend had just move away so it was not myself or what I knew, and the nerd group I was with was starting to get me down I started to see there was more to do then study and play fake games like dungons and dragons or gamle world or what ever the game was we had made up. now my problem became I knew a lot of the cool kids from 7 and 8 grade but by this time I was not someone you wanted to be around I was strange I was someone everyone knew buy you just didn't hang around me i was doing some odd thing by this time so by the Time I hit the 11grade I had jumped the nerd ship joined the track time and was off on my own I had a girlfriend who drove, but we really never went anywhere or did anything, but it was nice a some people where not afraid to know me in public, the we hit the serior year The last year of high school boy do I remember what a mess I did that year I was out of everything and I was good at hiding everything that I was doing outside of high school, nothing to extram or illiegle but none the less thing that where not in the norm. By the end of my serior year I was a person that you know and said high and might have even talked to about something but you still just didn't want to hang out with me. It was a starnge year but I know I was done hiding who and what I and I had a voice and wanted to express my opions on a few things and trust me I did to the point taht the whole school knew and heard me fight with one of the teacher's for over and hour, because he was sucking at his job and not teaching us anything.

So school becomes a scary and crazy thing mush more today I think because intell can travil way faster with phones and everything they can do but you know I think if you can stand up even if you start in the nerd group you can make you way out you just got to rasie your voice a little and make sure you know how to rasie a little hell and try and make new freinds out of old, because you where all friend in the 3 grade and nerds can be cool to if you give then a chance and help with the wardrob.
so With that and before I have another computer crash I say as always for april
Goodnight and goodluck

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