As we Age..
You know Just noted to myself that this is really might not be ture, but from some like me it is. Over the years I have not really been in to watching any type sports on T.V. excapte that of Hockey I have been watching it for as long as I remember. I have always enjoyed the game and I always with, but today I cought myself changing the changle from the Hockey game which had end to the master. Golf of all thing. One of the two sport I find the most boring in the world. I do agree that these people play for money the higher they place the more they make, whaqt they make for a weekend in the sun I'm not sure I agree with but they do for the most part earn ther winnings. Now a few years ago go I would never have even thought of changing the channle to the master. It would have been unhearded of I don't really like golf so I see myself watchin things I would not normaley watch as I get older which I find very scary. I mean come on Golf that is almost as bad as sitting down to watch a baseball game one thing that if I do do I'll have to hang myself for doing. You can play it all you want I'll even play the game but to sit down and watch it on T.V. come on give me a break Baseball has to be the most boring sport in the world, but I might be wrong I think there are a few others. These are they guy that are way way way way way way way and can I say it one more time way over paided for what they do. Stand in left feild and wait for a ball that might come to them sometime in the next 3 to 4 hours and thats if they are lucky. Come on the only person that should have any type of high price tag in Baseball is the pitch this guy is doing something for three hours and could hurt himself.
So as we grow older I find that we do change and start to do thing that we normale wouldn't do and drink things we never really liked in the first place we move from Milk to soda to coffee (Yeah buddy give me that coffee) To Tea to keep ourself a little more lose during the day. You know I just don't see myself aging gacefully I'm going to be the old guy that yells at everyone and right now complaining about everything because I can I'm old. I can use phrases like 20years ago. in my time we didn't have, Oh you don't know what life was like back when.. But thats just some of the fun and scary things i get to do now wait tell later when I get really old and have to retire from what ever it is I'm doing at the time. Remember I have been fired for not fitting in, so my future is blick to say the least.
You know getting old is fun to a point because you can look back on everything and see what you did with freind and family and try and forget what you did with some friends, but then you can look forward and see the future as it might not be, and all the things that you are becoming, the old fart that say in my day... you see yourself become a shadow of y our parents you have taken in both of what they are and made it your own and to me that is one of thegreatest thing you could ever become a shodow of your parents unless you had really horrable parents that slaped you around for no reason and drank to much well then you might what to try and become something a lot better like an old fart. You are who you are and I think at points in your life things change you make this leap from being one person to the next and I would hope that that leap is something you can see and know when you see it I just hope it's not from watching Hockey to watching baseball of that I would be really sad for you. I mean come on if you have a choosed towatch either Baseball or the movie crash. Trun the T.V, off and go outside and run naked up and down the street. Hopfully you get a freak snow storm. I assure you it'll be much more fun then doing either of the other two and hey you never know you might make the evening news as a funny story, Guy running throw down town naked because he didn't want to watch baseball game or movies crash.
SO enjoy and remember running naked in the snow is fun just a little cold. Yes I have done it..
Goodnight and goodluck
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