what a mess...
So what can I say about today excapte it was a lot of running around and buying stuff for the weekend. There is nothing like getting up at 7:10 and leaving the house by 8am and not return until a little past 3:30 only to keep going no real T.V. or movies nothting so after a day of driving around going to place after place spend money on food and a few other thing I get home have to put things away then build a bookcase which I find is not big enough to hold all of my CD's getting the CD up off the floor so I'm going to need a second case or something to get all of them up off the floor and then try and get the new Router set up and running and maybe move the blu-ray out of the living room into the bedroom to run netflix off of it which mean I need tro go and buy another 50foot maybe 100foot cable so that should be fun clawing under the house again and running the line all over the place well see what happens so first thing is just to see if the new router works before I even think about moving it so I can expacte to be on hold with a somebody in the next few days or so just a few more things to add to my plate of things to do.
Just a little rest...
So I'm going to try and take just a little rest tonight sit down and watch some T.V. a little bit of Top Chef and somethng else just before going to bed to start the next day which is going to be just as bad as today was but with a little more rain, but I think I have and idea about what might work for CD just need to see if it works, the brain is start to run slow and all over the place so it's rant on all things all over the place no rest when you need them to just got to keep going and going hopfuly eveerything get's done oh hey on top of all this my parents and my bother are here and comming so this is going to even be fun weekend lots of fun this weekend so yeah they have been short these last few days but I got all kinds of things to do so I need rest
Goodnigh and goodluck
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