You know years ago you were not able to bring a camra into a consert at all, if you where cought with one before you entered you where asked to take it back to your car and if you where caught with it once you where in the show you where kick out and lost the camera, but now aday you can bring in almost any type of camra you want and securtity will let you come down from the noise bleed section to take a few pictures then ask you to go back, but you still can get on the floor, now in the case of the picture here I was eight rows away from Reba and you can see that she is almost looking right at me, she did that a few times thought out the show at one point the camra wouldn't fire and she got that look of hurry up and take the picture I can stand here all day. It was a great evening and a very good show, Now the thing about that show is that it was a fair so the rules might have been a little diffrent but I don't really think so. But really there wasn't really much to talking pictures at a consert like this because she stayed in the same outfit through out the show so no change of warrdrob nothing spechail to shoot untill the end where she changed into the red dress for Fancy then you had a something new to shoot but for the most part it waas just her walking around the stage sign and letting peopel take pictures of her which is all people really want to do, now if there where a few more wordrob changes in the show then you might have something to really be shooting. so staying in the same outfit is away to have people take a few shoot and then sit down a listen to her sign the night away, but then if you get someone like Nickleback or creed and metalica even you got pyro all over the place the guy's takeing off there shirt and other things happening all night long you have all kinds of things to be taking pictures of so you could burn a hole in a two gig memeroy card in no time with a show like that I know I would hell with some of these new Video cams you could almost get one in a record the hole show and no one would say anythign about it and I know few arties like green day set aside and area for sometrhing like that or they did. Makes bootleg intresting and I know you can get all kinds of bootleg stuff on the street of London and alot of it is great stuff got a few myself...
How they changed...
Now camras have chaged over the years from one thing the flash power sit still five dollor a shoot slate film to the 12megapical snap shot heavy lends changing camra, and you know out of all of it I still like my heavy duty 35mm cam, I don't use it anymore because I have the Nikon d40 so yes I have moved somewhat with the times on this one, but I still treat it like a 35mm excapte I can take a lot more picture and trust me when I need to I take them all day long, You put a 2gig card in the thing and your set. at least a good 1200 photo's you just can't take video on it but then again it's a camra and thats why I bought it I don't want the video part I like stills because there is always a story to go with it and that what a photo is for to tell the story of what happened when you took it much like Reba looking at me saying take the damn picture already or the crusie Dir that really did say that, but the cam wouldn't fire then either of course that was 9 years ago and I was using a sony diggy cam at the time so thing have changed sence then just in shutter speed.
ANd Now the Phone
You know I think one of the reason they are not really caring if you get a camra into a consert as long as it isn't a big professinal one is because almost everyone now a days has a camra on there phone, I know at least my last three phones have had camras on them and at least the last two could record video of some kind so they have satrted to let people take in the smaller diggy cams because no matter what you do they are going to get them in. I know at one consert a female friend of mine has on a dress because on the inside she had a place where a camra could hook on and hand down between her legs and no one would ever see it or know it was there made for a intresting night when I say her come out of the bath room with it and I asked where she had it. It took a little while before she told me but then I has to laugh, but now with phones having camras on them and the mega pixles getting better I think the one I have now is like a 5.0 which is more them my orginal sony, they really can't stop peopel from getting in with them. Some people jsut need to have there cell phone on them in case of a enemrgncy or something happend at home like th place cought on fire, or the house got sick and through up the sofa on to the front lawn and shoot the T.V. out the back side into the backyard, you know the really importen things in life. Forget the kids I need to know if my car is missing and with the on-star system where it is so I can turn off it off, I say forget that let the chop shop have it and get a new one it was broken anyway and you had it fully insured you that stuff yo pay for it most of your life and never see any of iy used, now you hope never to have to use it but hey when it there and something happens use it to the fulliest I say..
So where does that leave us I have no idea it's late and I just been talk about this for tonight because I got a new phone the other day and I have no idea how to make a phone call on it yet got some great apps and stuff on it like a shotgun AK-47 a lightsaber a Facebook but I'm still working on how to make a phone call so I need to go plat with it a little more
Goodnight and goodluck
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