The Wood is back...
Ok so I have not seen any of the masters yet but I hear and have heared that Tiger Woods is back on the course. It's about time I mean come on he was out last year for his knee and this year because he was addicted to Sex oh come on. Do we really care who he was and is having sex with. I mean he place golf for a living. He's away from home alot on the road and he is winning alot of money Hell I would find someone to have sex with in every city that I would be in. He's a guy and even if it was a woman I wouldn't care. They have a personal life and that is there own bussness and we should have not rights to judge if we did then we would have the to judge every other person who is on drugs or addicted to sex or has an affair and that is at least one person every hour that we run across and those are people we don't know hell we don't know tiger woods and we are judging him or are we. Is tiger becoming one of the first people we are going who cares the man play's golf for a living and we don't really care. You know I don't care I just hope that guy can still play golf. That's all I care about and nothing else..

is this going to be the new thing sell movies that made it big at the box office at midnight and this is the second for James Cammron First he had Titanic now he's got Avatar eariler we had New Moon. Do we really need to run out and get a movie at midnight and run home and watch it tell 4 in the morning only to wake up 3hours later to go to work. What we can't wait tell 7am when the store opens to get a copy of the movie or get it on our lunch hour or I mean come on we are not going to really beable to watch it tell we get home that night and for people with kids watch it even later that night, so do we really need to buy it at midnight. I don't really think so, but I will admit I went out to buy Titanic when it first came out at midnight but i got a poster too so it still wasn't worth, but I did have fun and I was working at a bar at the time as a barback so I was use to staying uo tell 4am or even later. IS this going to really become a ne trend with movies that set recordes or just the new summer blockbusters that will not make the oscars or any other awards that it should get. I mean come on we had a midnight selling of a video game, so it this spechail openig for some store something to compet with the store that stay open 24hours which do sell something like that just after midnight. I guess we do it with everything I guess now first Books and then movies now Video games and video games systems. You know I heard of places opening up at midnight on the day they had freight come in to sell the Wii for X-mas. I once watch in coastco where they had to wait tell 10am to sell some X-box's they had a manager on one side of a line with the palit on the other side when it hit 10am by his watch he stepped on the other side of the line and started to hand them out to people just standing they went though the palit in just over 45mintues and everyone got one including the manager and a few people that worked for the store..but then the people who work for something like that are the people to ask and check with every now and then when you want to buy something that is hard to find during the season of fun..
If you are going to do it for the fun cool go for it i'm all for it but if you are doing it because you have to have it before anyone else i think your dumm and could even be an idtio, but what to I know I'm just crazy to buy a movie at midnight and then after buying it walk around the corner and rent the same flix just because it was fun, by the way I was hung up with a beautful woman at the time, so that just goes to show how stupied I am..
Goodnight and goodluck..
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