Just doesn't work...
Did you ever have one of those days where you felt you where two people like hyde and Jekyll. You know I think this whole weekend has been like that things just have don't gone the way they should have adn I just don't know what to think about it the weather has been crappy and there just has been a sence of dampness over everything of late here and I can't pin point it to take care of it it's bugging the crapp out of me. And I don't think it's just the weather either. Something just feels wrong and I don't know what it is. I can't get it out of my head that something is very wrong somewhere I haven't spent a lot of time home of late so I haven't seen a lot of T.V. and News to really know what's going on in the world, My DVR is full of stuff I don't want to watch and I'm tired of being on the computer I just want to take a break from everything, but I just got to much to do for the next couple of week, there is a good think or bad depend on who you look at it. They changed the T.V. at the GYM so I no longer have to watch the Five bitchy ladies but hey you know I can't let them off that easy I'll find away to go off on them again. Now I got ESPN in front of me. Great to bad it's earily morning ESPN there is almost never anything good on that earily in the morn. So I think I was better off with the five bitchy ladies at least that way I go a little bit of news front time to time.
Grab a remote..
You know I think I'm going to find a sony remote and go in one day and put it on Nick just to have a little fun a bunch of adult running while watching spongebob or turn it to Disney so they get to watch Phines and Ferb which is a cool show I watch it every now and then just so to keep myself young and to see what else is out there to take are kids minds and turn it into mush. You know that want a bad show Either M*U*S*H* a cartoon version of the very great and one of the best shows ever to be put on T.V. M*A*S*H* you know I can and have watch the show all day long I must have watch every show at least 5 times in the past couple of years. I can never get to much of it and I don't think it will ever be able to be replaced bay anything that is created today.
T.V.s best you know I had to stop for just a second and giveM*A*S*H* it's own little pice because it was a great show and it's fun to watch it from begaining to end to catch a the changes all the opps wait didn't he do that in the first season or the third. the show really didn't hit it's turn mark until late in the third season and the season final for the third season was had the last page changed second before radier enter the O.R. so the reactions you saw where real and true. Then the other fun thing to watch as the show goes on is alan alden"s hair how it goes from that think black to the heavly salted. I do miss that show but I can see why it had to end they where runnning out od story ideas and with nothing really new to pull from it was time and it ended No other why a show could have with great pride and to this day NO show has ever betten it's rating for that final show. You know I was lucky to be give a I.V. bottle from the show for X-mas one year. I don't hink it's a real prop from the show but it's still great to have and I have it sitting on my night stand so I can look at it everynight a wish it was full of Hawkeye Vodca every now and then..
Pocket watch....
Ok I made a mistake when I was talking about the enterpirse the other day and my pocket watch. sence today was easter I pulled it out for church and it's not the enterpise that is on it. It's the U.S.S. consation the first war ship of the U.S. my mistake, but hey I like that old kid of ship and I still love the pocket watch it comes in handy when I need something for a nice dinner out with friend and family and we go somewhere, By the way the picture is of NCC 1701-C, but you got to admit most of the time she is a pretty ship. I can't really say that about "D" but "B" and "C" are nice "E" is ok so a little mistake on my part I can't keep everything in my head correct what fun would that be. I'm just some guy that know a little about a lot and i do mean a lot of point little stuff, So I try and point it things out as best I can a if need be play the oppisted side just to keep life fun and to sho people that there is another point of view to things out there and that no ones is right and no one is wrong so we just need to live life and be happy and repsect how other people think and believe, and we are going to need a lot of luck to do that is this world. Let's just cut it short there because it is easter and if I can gone about something I just thought of tomorrow because it's should be a good day and my rants about stuff really is pointless tonight. Today is a day to be a peace and enjoy. I'll try and piss you off tomorrow if I remember what I was going to set of about..
Goodnight and Goodluck
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