reading history...
You know every time I can I like to read the newspaper and on thing I like to check on is a secation called Today in History it's a list of things that has happened over the years and how far back it goes now I'm always a day or two behind when I do this so I have to think back. Like today I was reading monday and sundays now I don't really remember mondays because I forget to bring the paper home with me but I do have sundays which was June 6th and went back to 1809 and ended one year ago where as mondays which I do remember was 1767 one of the years and it mover up to only like 10years ago so there was a diffence in that part. Now thw thing about sundays June 6th and in 1844 the Young Men's Christain Association (YMCA) was founder in London which I found just cool to know but what I found intresting to see was that in 1918 the U.S. Marines suffered heavy casualties as they launched their eventually successful counteroffensive against German troops in the world war 1 battle of Belleau woods in France and that in 1944 The D-Day invasions of Europe took place during World war 2 allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy France. Two major battles of the world wars that both took place on the same day and in the same country agaist the same people about 26 years apart You wounder what this might say about the Germans and the France. The German wants to take over and keep France and if you want to beat the Germans you have to go through France to do it. Its just fun little things to look at through history which is what we are all about these day how can we make are mark in history to last forever isn't that what everyone in the world one wants to do..
Here another thing that happened on June 6th back in 1985 Authorities in Brazil exhumed a body that later identified as the remains of Dr. Josef Mengele. The question I guess what kept this guy hiden for so long if you have the Angel of death of the Nazi Holocaust in your back yard I would think you would want to get ride of it asap, but then if you don't know he is there then ok, but it doesn't say what they did with body, but on a more happer note of things that happend on the same date in history just back in 1925 Chrysler Crop was founded so you know many diffrent hings happen around the world you just never know what it is so it does help to look at you history or at least the history page of the newspaper every now and then to see what happen on that day thropugh out the history. so go and learn it
For friends and Family
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