Why now and way to much...
You know 10years ago Vamps where something that was very under grownd and now they are everywhere. I remember when they wnted to remake Dracula there was a lot of it's not goin got do that well so they placed a few stars in the film and it work really well then Buffy came up and things went this way and that because it was a campy T.V. seirs and no one wanted to watch iut because it delt with vamps everyday and high school. Then Buffy ended and that left the siers Angle which was again consited Campy show that ended next year but they where the start of things to come. but during all of this you have The Harry Potter siers and contivesy of that then near the end of Potter or just after it you get this Twilight thing. I have read the first book and was board off my ass and fought my way through it because they sadi you liked Potter you like this. Well they where wrong I didn't care for this at all. The book was boarding it was not writen for an adult and this sparkly Vamp is not right no where in the history of Vamps do they become sparkly so this is just wrong. now you got things like True Blood which is a show on HBO. I have seen a little bit of it but I just don't care to for it way to much for me. Then you have this Vampire Diriers. Never seen a show and don't plain on it. YOu also had Moonlight which was a Vamp as a Private Dective, Now this show I did watch it was kind of good but died and then might have raised again on ScyFy butI haven't see anything new on that one. The Moonlight show was another starter for all this Vamp crap. Now I'm all for Vamp's I like them I think the many diffrent kinds are intresting but this is just way to much way to fast. It just sucks eggs. I think they need to stop all of this hipe and this thing about the sparkly Vamp needs to go. I think it's funny as hell.
Been around for years..
You know Vamps and movie about Vamps have been around for more years then you coulod even thing of there is nothing better then a good and in some cases a bad Vamp movie but all this Vamp T.V. and book and kinds that they are pullling out of no where is just way to much. I can't stand it. I like Vamps I have even done a little reasearch when I was younger see what vamps are like and do and what I fund was intresting like many thing other thing like the Werewolf/other Were's the place they come from can determan what type you get and how they are made. The older the more harder they are to kill and the more pissed of they could be, because they are tired of being around humans. you know this is just they way things are.
I think we are just getting to much way to fast and I think it all just sucks and we need to cut it out. I'm just tired of all of it and I think this Twilight thing is stupied because Vamps are not sparkley it just sucks to think people think they can be this way. You need to get clue on what a true Vamps is but what ever you do don't run to this Vampire dairiers because I don't think that is right either so. You know go back and watch your Buffy she had a little better Idea of what a Vamp is about.
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