Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Last day of school

The summer begains...
You know for most kids today was the last dayof school for many kids across the U.S. and you know for the most part they went to school for a whole 2 and half hours. for a few schools it was 8;30am to 11am. the question is what is the real point here for some parents they just geet there kids off and head home make some breakfaast and have to trun around and get there kids. which can be problem madtic for some people with day care and everything and then what are you to do the rest of the day with a kids that is half excited that it was the last day of school and that they get to go home and play for the rest of the day. for most parents I see this a problem that they have other thing that they do most of the time and that this is there peaceful time. they get to a little rest before the afternnon begian. and then you have the bus driver who drop kids off make ther second run and then have to go get the first kids then turn back around and get the second kids. they do a lot of running around with out much of a lunch on this day because it'snot a normale day and they usally get to go back to the depot to have lunch before going back out and making the second runs of the day. makes it and intresting day for them. but you know dus driver are never slow they have a hard job between dealing with the kids all day that fight and mess around in there buses and then field trips that happen as well. they are always running around. so you got to give them a hand and make sure they are doing alreight because with out them we have nothing to go on and you get suck with your kids all day or have to pay really high day care for them. and trust me for some people they work to pay nothing but day care. I have seen day care as high as 500 a week and as low as 100bucks but you don't get much for you 100buck and you have to get your kids by 5pm and for me I don't know anyone that is off at 4 to pick there kids up by 5pm so it just sucks I have seen day cares that hold out tell 6 and I think one that went as late as 7pm but they are rare and most likely the 500 a week range. which I know most people can't afford and if you can afford that mcu for daycare hell then you should be able to affoard a nanny and just forget day care all around....

For friends and family

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