The beginning of the week...
So the week begins and you got things to do you have to start your runnning around and go to work for those who have work to go to and for some mondays they last forever they go on for more then 14hours you never see the light of day because you got up and the sun was starting to come up and you go home and the sun is almost done you have never see the light of day and you have never flet the warmth of the sun which is very depressing. You know I'm not a big person of the sun because of what it can do to my eyes but you know I think it's importen to see and feel every now and then. it's just when you have a day l ike this it's hard to know that it is a good day, but you do know that it's monday because it is such a long day and you have never see the sun on day's like today you feel like you never get anything done, becaue your forever at work and you haven't seen anyone that you really know. But the hardest part of the whole thing is that you don't get to see your family because your kids are asleep when you get up and go to work and then when you get home they are back in bed and almost asleep again, but then you think it's the summer and they don't have to get up earily in the next morn for school so they can stay up tell the sun is completly gone. this is what a monday is and it's no fun for anyone regarles of who you are.. so at the end for the day your tired and pissed that you haven't seen your family so you know get you ass off the computer and go play with them because this is a stupied thing to be doing when you haven't seen your family all day and your tired so go away
Thanks for all the Fish
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