Friday, July 16, 2010


Not what I was thinking...
You know I'm Disapoiinted in myself I would think that I would have been much better with coming up with a topic everyday to rant about but you know I just haven't been able to really do it I guess I'm going to have to pull something out of my had do some really studpied stuff on work the other side. because what I have been doing is more then pointless it just straight up boarding. I would have lost intrest more then a mouth ago because I haven't written anything close to intresting expate for the weekend story which I would most likly return to read every weekend and forget the rest. I mean there is little that I have seen that is of any good and the few that I have writen that had any matter to them well let's just say there they are nothing to jump up and down about. I guess I should start to watch the news and see what is going on in the world I know I could come up with a topic that way I just not care for the news it's mostly bad crap and stuff I don't really care about. Like this Mel Gibson thing. How gives a shit the samething happend all the time in L.A. you just don't hear about it everyday because they are not Celeb's so who cares they are just normal people living life and what happens is none of there bussness so how give a shit if Gibson knocks around his wife send his ass to jail and anger managment and call it a day we don't need to hear about it for weeks on end. it's pointless dribble that happens to reguler people everyday we just don't hear about it..
Now a little BP...
Look this shit when on way to long on all a counts and you know after a while I just got tired of it. Yes it's one of the biggest messing made by human in the oceans and the ramifactions are going to be felt for decades if you don't this so your and idot. Look I don't like the way things where handles just like everyone else in the world but you know in the long long long end they finally fix it or at least I think they got a cap on it I may be beyond wrong on this but a news blip I saw yeasterday showed that it was no longer leaking in great amounts, and had stop now Like I said I am most likly wrong on this but hell can we just fix the damn thing and blame someone else a lot later, fix the ocean fix the well and get on with life this crap was handles all wrong from beginning to end and we just need to get it cleaned up and yes the only people to be paying for it should be BP because it is there mess. The U.S. Should not drop one dime/red cent on clean up it might affect us all across the lower us, but we should not be paying to clean it up. it is not our mess.
Staying away from thing..
You know I think I'm going to stop staying away from many of the things I haven't talked about because wither I wanted to do some reaseach to be close to right which I think is taking way to much time and just say what I think on the blips I see and hear. Let me be wrong hell most of the time I usally am and you know if I am tell me and I go off and try and correct myself. I think that is why I am more disappointed in myself then anything else I just don't go off on the little blips I hear because I don't know enough intell on it but you know I have a tenandcy to do it here at home and find out that I was way wrong and well I correct myself so I think that is where I'm going to try and go from now on. Write stuff on as little information as I get during the day and damn if I'm wrong well that great but atleast I would of had a say in the matter and I just might have made you think about something in the end. so let's see what happens in the future and hopfully I will not disappoint myself or anyone else I'll just start pissing people off which would work for me..
Thanks for all the Fish

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