This day has had so many up's and downs it's going to end on a down so so I'm going to end it with adark poem that I wrote more then 13years ago. just because I can't write anything else that is quick and I thought this kind of summed up the my day and It's been a long time sence I have even read it so let's see what you all think about it.
And Now the Poem...
Welcome to the world
welcoem to the life you make
welcome to all that is yours
welcome to hell my friend
Now that you are here
you must see that what you must become
which may not be pretty
here there is not that much that is pretty
this place of horrors
and a place of dispear
you must now indure all of them
for the time that you are here in this world
for this my friend is your life
For it shall not change
make it one that is of mystory and suspence
this will be the key stone
for all that is to follow you
make it true to you
make it true to them
make it true to all
but make sure no one knows all
there is more here then what is known
that is the truth
there is life
that one is allowed to lead
Your life is yours
lead it and noe one else
for the one that leads others
is the one that
end there life by there own hand
that should not happen to my friend
welcome to the world
welcome to your life
welcome to all that is yours
welcome to hell my friend.
Huh who is lost..
ok now I know why I had that hiden away for more then 8years man am I bad a poems I must of had a point back when I wrote it more then 13years ago and well the line notes do say dark so there is no tell what kind of mood I was in when I wrote that little piece, but hell you tell me what you think and what the hell the boodly thing means because I have no idea what so ever I just think it's really bad and well I was typing it out so I thought i would leave it becaue I don't have much else untill I can get a little more of a handle on what is left of the up and downs of today and insurrance companies suck eggs.
Thanks for all the fish
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