Best time...
You know the sunset is usally the best time of day for most you can sit back relax and just watch as the days troubles end and the quite of the night takes over. a new peace starts and air cools and the creatures for the night comes forth to quitly take over the area that is there. things a peaceful and there is nothing wrong in this part of the world where you are that is what sunset is for. to relax and let the tenstion of the day flow alway. stand there and watch the majestic of the univers go by. everything is so much quit and peaceful during sunset.
And then the night comes..
you knoweverything is great durning sunset and then the night comes and believe or not all the shit that you did during the day comes flooding back in one swift moment which suck, because you go from a nice peaceful time to what could be know a hell again. Fights start, people have to go to work and do crappy shit that need to be done and then there is everything else at is out there. The killing and the robbing and everything else that goes on with that. you know as much as i like the night it is almost as bad as the day time in some case it is even worse because people thing they can get away with so much more, but you know if people where even smart they really could get away with more during the day. you just need to look like you belong there if yo want to rob a home a big moving truck in a drive way with guy's moving stuff out nothing wrong happening there. To take some one out well it's a little harder but at the same time a lot less expected. in the end it's all comes down to planing and if you plain anything right you can get away with it, but people are dumm and try and do it at night when everyone is either home or it you could ge cought a lot eazier. so you know the night brings on it own little problem from time to time and then the day just comes flooding back to fill in those gabs. so you just want the sunset to last forever. i do so enjoy the sunset, but if i had to choose between the day or the night I would go for the Night just because the air is cooler and in the end the everythign does come to rest a be peacefull and quite and to me that is what I look for a bit of peace and quite because during the day you'll never find it no mare how hard you try so the night is so much better for that great time of peace that you are looking for and after sunset I guess that is all you have left untill sunriase and that few mintues of peace come forth once again..
Thanks for all the Fish
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