you know this is going to be short when it starts of with a title like look my van and Shity day. well thats because got into accident today which is being call my fault and was giving $175 ticket for the side of my van now look like the third version of the conastion class enterprise which was in the second and third films the whole side door is screwed and part of the drivers door is messed up. it still run and I got it home the other guy's car had to be towed off. he front tire was blown and most likly the whole car is a lost and much for my insurance rates. third accedent that happened to the house in the past eight years and first one which it's could be conserted or is being consitered our fault which sucks but you know shit happens and we get on with it, so I'm at a lost to say anything more then it was an ok day until the accedent now it'sw a shity day and I'm depressed as all hell think I'll go to bed and sleep for the next 10 to 12 hours because I can..
Thanks for all the Fish
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