Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday's Story

Book 2: The Child..
A few minutes later we entered on of the many Med-labs. The room was filled with computers screens showing all kinds of readout and different displays. In the center of the room was a large steel cylinder that went from the room’s floor to ceiling. Five feet in front of the cylinder was a large computer terminal. One of the main computer monitors showed a picture of a person. Next to it was another bank of monitor with read outs of a person who look to be in good health? We had come down to one of the genetic labs and what ever George wanted to show me was going to be the steel cylinder in the center of the room.

George made his way through a break in the computers walked around the cylinder and stood next to it as I stopped at the main computer console to look down at what they where monitoring “I had a chance a while a go to get a sample of DNA.” George started to walk around looking at the cylinder “I took that chance. At the same time I was able to get a sample of your DNA.” I looked up at George with great interest but he was behind the cylinder “I took that chance as well.” He can out from behind the cylinder again “I brought both samples down here and had them frozen because I didn’t know if I should do what I wanted to do.” He stopped in front of the cylinder and was looking at me “Then one day you said you might need help with a project or you might go with that crazy security business of yours, so at that point I decided to use it.” I frowned at George and then looked up at the steel cylinder behind him starting to understand what he had done. What ever was in that cylinder was part me.

I reached down and started to push a few buttons on the computer terminal in front of me. I watch carefully as the data pasted in front of my eyes. I watch as the abilities it had how old it was, the color of eyes were, color of hair it had, and a long list of other things what was going on. At the bottom was the one thing I was really looking for. The other persons DNA George had used. When the other DNA strand information came up I looked up at George in complete shook. George ran around the other side of the cylinder to hide from me the second I had read the information. I went back to looking over the data again and started to make a few adjustments to the programming. “George.” I bellowed. He stuck his head out from the other side of the cylinder “Tell me. What type of DNA did you use to create this?”

George came out from behind the cylinder “I used the best type there is from making a person.” I stopped typing stood up straight and crossed my arms over my chest. I was now very interested in how he had gotten these samples. “Look I know you are mad, but it’s the best way to do it.” He came towards me and stopped just on the other side of the computer terminal “Yes I was able to get and used one of her eggs and some of your seaman. That person in there is your child.” He pointed back at the Cylinder.”

“That person...” I pointed over Georges head “in there is my fourteen year old son.”

“WHAT!!!!” George said and jumped over the computer terminal. He started to press buttons and look at the read outs as they came up.

When George jumped over the terminal I backed up, as he started to look over the read outs and data as it came up I walked up and put a hand on his shoulder “Well done my friend. Well done.” George stopped looking at the read outs and turned to face me. That was one of the last things he was expecting me to say “You have give me the one thing in life I have always wanted. A little older then I wished, but none the less I say thank you.” I patted him on the shoulder again.

“But you changed the program. You changed his appearance. Why??” George said in disperse.

“Sorry George.” I said “But I had to, He would have reminded me to much of his mother if I hadn’t.” I rested my hand on his shoulder again “Not to worry my friend this curse I have placed on him like mine can be broken.” George looked at me inquisitively and a little tilt to his head. ‘George I may be a curl man, but everyone had a right to a good live.” I walked past him and back up to the computer terminal “They just need to find there way to it. Myself included.” I hit a button on the computer terminal and the steel cylinder rose up onto the ceiling reviling a class cylinder behind it. It was filled with a violet fulided and a fourteen year old boy floating in it. The Boy was curled up in a ball in the center of the tank. With a few wires attached to his head and feet. He was slowly just bobbing up and down in the fluid.

George turned around to look at the figure “So what are you going to name him?”

“Good question.” I walked around the computer terminal up a small ramp and stood as close to the glass as I could. I t=stood there and watched ass my son bobbed up and down in the violet fluid. George started it work on the terminal as I stood there. I thought of everything he would have to endure and the years of training in which he would have to go through before he would enter the present time stream where still wouldn’t belong. All the fights he would endure because of the way he looked. All the battles he would go through just to live life. Every combat he would be in just because he was my son. I would be there to help support him. To make him into a fighter, into a warrior. I turned to look at George who was working on the terminal to finish some last details “Warrior. I’ll call him Warrior.” George looked up at me and nodded his head and typed a few commands into the computer. “How long before we can start the physical training?”

George adjusted a few interments on the computer in from of him “Give me a few more days to finish the programs and for all the changes you made to take affect.” He looked down ate the new read outs “I would say a week at the most.” I nodded my head and started too walked towards the door “Mac...” George said in a somber tone “This is your son and he will be everything that he should be. Don’t make him a pawn in your game of salvation.”

I Paused as George started to talk “I know George, but right now just finish my son I would like to meet him soon.” I paused took a deep breath to clear my head “and George” I turned around to see him looking at me ‘Life just became more interesting and I just wanted to say thank you.” I turned back around and walked out of the room.
“Your Welcome.”

“Brace teleport. Earth realm.” I said and disappeared.
Ok so there you go now you know more of less how Warrior came into being and wait tell I get to the fight about it later should be fun to read anyway something just to read.
Thanks for all the Fish

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