He was on...
Was it right for the pres to go on the View yeasterday/today. I say yeah it was ok for him to do. I mean come on he is the Pres he can do what he want and for the most part it is a free form where he doesn't know what the questions are, he was just a little long winded some times, and I must say he never did answer a few question instead he turned it into a much bigger issuse on the nation and things that we had been going through. You know for the first part it was nice to see him joke around and be a normal person because that is what he is. He may be the Pres of the U.S. but he is still a person with a family and friends. Then they started to ask hiim questions on the nation and the world and he turned in to the politiction he is which for the must part sucks. I hate it when a politions starts talking like one when they can be somewhere that they can have some fun. Not everything has to be politic's you know and that would nice to see some times out of the Pres.. but all we get is this poltical crap. i guess they don't want the rest of the world to see that the man in charge of the U.S. is human, they want to see this politicon all the time.
This is good to see him on show like you know it looked liked he lighted up near the middle/end of it because they need to get off the poltical crap. they went on pop culture. You know I am watching it as I write this so it is a little mixed up most of the time and I'm not sure what is happening just yet got about 10mintues or so it just a little bit before it's over. Now Elizabeth just needs to go because she is so focused on the unemplyment rate and she keeps attacking at the point. SHe is so full of shit she need to get off the show, I don't care for her because she is so singled minded and at times seamed hostal towards him. So thank go she jsut sat there most of the time with her mouth shut which is something new and was very nice.
Now to show how importent this interview was they got barbra to come back after her heart operation and you know it's might be one of the only reasons he showed up on the show. Now one of the question they asked him which is I want to answer for you they asked him why dont you refure to yourself as a black Pres.. The simple answer because he is the Pres.. He isn't a black Pres.. He's the Pres.. for me there is no color for the Pres.. they are the Pres.. weather they are a man or a woman. I don't care and for the most part that is what I see when I look at the Pres. a person nothing more and I don't care wither they are purple or yellow or red. they are the Pres... and you better repect them for who they are...
Ok The races in this country..
You know this is on topic I have try and stay away from becaue I'm one of those people that don't really gives a crap excapt when I hear people talk about it. and then I say look you generat this crap yourself and so do many others. Look racism is made by both side, why do you ask very simple. They call themsevies by what they are and not who they are. A Black man, a white man a mexican man and a native amaerican are all racise. end of point. Now a man who calls himself a man is just that and is not a racies.
Back to the point..
The second a person put's themself in side of a race they are a racis to me. there is nothing more to it, but a man is a man and a women is a women. there is nothing more to it. the second you think of yourself in a race class you are a rasics there is nothing less to it and you know for me one of the biggest racies I ever seen or heard talk is Chris Rock. Everytime I hear him talk he say such crap. and the shit that comes out of his mouth is just... stuff I don't even want hear because he is just full of crap...
Back to the View...
Ok so now back to the Pres.. You know for a Pres.. to take his time and do something like this is kind of intresting, but at one point it sounded that it was something he wanted his wife to see and this was on of the only shows that she watched, what does that say about her intrest in the country, beyond the fact she wants all of us to get on this health kick of her's. Now no way do I want to bash her because I don't know her and I have no information on her, so that just comes from what the Pres.. said on the show when asked about why he was doing the View and not some other show, and you know I'm glad he did something like this other then some new program because I don't think we would have gotten any pop culture questions in and really seen what was going on. It was a intresting as Pres.. interact with diffrent types of people asking him questions and thank good for the most part elizabeth kept her big mouth shut. most of the times I can't stand the crap that comes out of her mouth, but all in all I think it was a intresting interview and we got to see him dodge some intresting questions, I hope you say it and just enjoyed it if you watched it...
Ok so now back to the Pres.. You know for a Pres.. to take his time and do something like this is kind of intresting, but at one point it sounded that it was something he wanted his wife to see and this was on of the only shows that she watched, what does that say about her intrest in the country, beyond the fact she wants all of us to get on this health kick of her's. Now no way do I want to bash her because I don't know her and I have no information on her, so that just comes from what the Pres.. said on the show when asked about why he was doing the View and not some other show, and you know I'm glad he did something like this other then some new program because I don't think we would have gotten any pop culture questions in and really seen what was going on. It was a intresting as Pres.. interact with diffrent types of people asking him questions and thank good for the most part elizabeth kept her big mouth shut. most of the times I can't stand the crap that comes out of her mouth, but all in all I think it was a intresting interview and we got to see him dodge some intresting questions, I hope you say it and just enjoyed it if you watched it...
Thanks for all the Fish
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