Book 1 The return...
When the two of us reappeared this time we came falling out of the ceiling behind Blackjack. We were in the barracks of none other the the fifteenth Armor Tech Division. Blackjack simply turned around not suprised at all. Well all the others in the room shot up out other seats on to there feet. "Well you took long enough, it's been two days. All hell is going on around here." Blackjack paused to take a good look at the way we were dress as Warrior and myself start to stand up. "Well I guess this means we have less then twenty four hour to finish this war and hopfuly get home."
The Brace computer popped in with "You have less then twenty four hours."
I lifted my left arm to look at the brace computer "Ithought you said we had just over thirty?"
"Sorry, but while you were getting dressed C.O.R.A.L. and I were talking and with the time displacment and some new facts about our famous flowers you now have less then twenty four hours and that could change we are still doing some adding."
I dropped my arm to my side and turned around around to see the Lieutentant walk into the room with two other members of the tech squad. "Tell your command that they better get some people and heavy fire power up to the mother ships and start knocking them out." I looked at the others team members who had walked in with her "Time is running out. I'm taking my team up to the main ship and take it out from the inside." The Lieutenant started to storm towards me as I was giving her orders "That should help confuse them, not know where we came from and give your people a little more time to start knocking them out."
The Lieutenant was now dressed in a type of pink and white spandex that showed off her real figure. The outfit was tight against her skin and was in the same pattern as her battle armor. Just without all the sharp covers and bumps that formed her body, The beauty that she always presented was something else and the mad look on her face told a diffrent story as she stormed towards me and I issused more orders to her. The Lieutenant stuck her index finguer out and right into my chest. She started to really drive in in this time. SHe looked up into my eyes to make sure that she would get her point across "You're not going anywhere without me and my troops." She gestured with her other hand "You over grown dummy and if you do I'll have your ass thrown out of the damn corp." she paused to think about something for a second "Then we won't have to worry about if your dead or not, which we can never tell you disappear so often and kicking you out would make a lot of people very happy." She barked at me as if not wanting to be shut out of all the fun that was about to happen. The others that had come into the room stood behind her with all their force to show their support for their commander.
I looked down at the Lieutenant, pulled her finguer out of my chest "Look first that doesn't hurt, so please stop doing it and second, as far as the corp, they think I'm dead so I don't give a damn and there is no way on the world that you can get me to take you and your troops up there with me. No way in hell because it's going to be come a world class hell hole." I turned, looked at Warrior and the others "Everybody ready for this." They nodded their heads and started to draw weapons "good and I lowered my voice to talk to myself "Because I'm not." I turned back around "let's go. Form up." Warrior, Nancy, Kathleen and Blackjack stood behind in a pyramid shape with me at the point facing the Lieutenant. Warrior was off to my left. Blackjack was off to my right with Kathleen off to his right and Nancy was off to Warriors left. "Lock and Load people." Warrior checked the seven shooter he had drawn, Blackjack pulled out and checked the clip on the M-sixteen he was holding and pulled back the hammmer ready for action. The Warrior Maidens cocked their shoot and held them into the ready. I reached down and flexed my right hand. The doors opened on my leg and I grabbed my classic nine millimeter that came out and the doors closed. The Lieutentant watched the complete show and was a little suprised to see the doors on my leg open then closed "Neat trick don't you think." I paused for a second looking into her eye's "well if I don't see you in the next world I've got to tell you it's been fun." I paused again "Bye." I looked up at the ceiling of the barracks "Teleport." just as I said teleport the Lieutenant grabbed hold of my hand and we all disappeared with a simple flash of light, leaving behinda room half full of astonished people..
Ok who can say rewrite rewrite and even more rewrite, boy does that piece need work and more work. I had a hard time making out some of it so i'm sorry for all this raw writing this weekend, but it's what I got for you it's just been hard to find something good to write out these last couple of days with all the things I have had to do of late so you get a crappy store that is in it's raw form. I would like to almost always give you something good, but well all know that is not going to happen because I have already giving you crap to read and not just in my storied and one really bad poem... I hope to inprove on it for in the future. sorry for the mess this weekend.
Thanks for all the Fish.
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